Clone of Peer-Reviewed Publications

Orch OR 


Peer-Reviewed Publications | Long List: 
Peer-Reviewed Publications | Short List:  see below

Aarat P. Kalra, Alfy Benny, Sophie M. Travis, Eric A. Zizzi, Austin Morales-Sanchez, Daniel G. Oblinsky, Travis J. A. Craddock, Stuart R. Hameroff, M. Bruce MacIver, Jack A. Tuszynski, Sabine Petry, Roger Penrose, Gregory D. Scholes.  Electronic Energy Migration in Microtubules, Aug 22, 2022. arXiv:2208.10628,+A    
Kalra, A. P., Hameroff, S., Tuszynski, J., Dogariu, A., Nicolas, Sachin, & Gross, P. J. 2022, August 14). Anesthetic gas effects on quantum vibrations in microtubules – Testing the Orch OR theory of consciousness.
Hameroff, Stuart. Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton – A New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 16 June 2022
Hameroff, Stuart, ‘Orch OR’ is the most complete, and most easily falsifiable theory of consciousness, 2020,  Cog Neuroscience, -  24 Nov 2020.  
Kalra, Aarat Pratyaksh, Hameroff, S., Tuszynski, J.A.,  Dogariu, A., Nicolas, Sachin, Gross, Paul J.  Anesthetic gas effects on quantum vibrations in microtubules – Testing the Orch OR theory of consciousness, OSF. August 21. 2020
Hameroff, S.R., Editorial Views. “Anesthetic action and ‘quantum consciousness: A match made in olive oil.”  2018. Anesthesiology, 8(129):228-31
Craddock T.J.A, Kurian P., Preto J., Sahu K,. Hameroff S.R., Klobukowski M.,    Tuszynski J.A. Scientific Report, 2017, August. Anesthetic Alterations of Collective Terahertz Oscillations in Tubulin Correlate with Clinical Potency: Implications for Anesthetic Action and Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction.
Hameroff, Stuart R., Roger Penrose, Chapter 14 "Consciousness in the Universe: An Updated Review of the "Orch OR" Theory, In Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach, eds. Roman R. Poznanski, Jack A. Tuszynski, Todd E. Feinberg, World Scientific, 2016.
Hameroff, S. “Change the Music: Psychotherapy and Brain Vibrations.” The Neuropsychotherapist,  2016, Vol 4(4). 31-35 pdf
Craddock, Travis J.A., Stuart R. Hameroff, Ahmed T. Ayoub, Mariusz Klobukowski, & Jack A. Tuszynski.  “Anesthetics act in quantum channels in brain microtubules to prevent consciousness.” Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015. Vol 15:6, 523-533.
Hameroff Stuart - Commentary on Stuart Kauffman's  Quantum Criticality at the Origins of Life in John Hewitt's Quantum Criticality in life's proteins (update), - April 15, 2015.
Hameroff, S., Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’  Newswise, March 23, 2015
DEATH IN A QUANTUM SPACE. ハメロフ博士の. 世界一ぶっとんだ死の話. 意識と「量子もつれ」と不滅の魂. 人がその生をまっとうし、肉体が生命活動を終え .    Text: San Akiyama;  Illustrations by Summer House. Japan Wired Magazine, 2015: 
Craddock, Travis John Adrian, Douglas Friesen, Jonathan Mane, Stuart Hameroff, & Jack A. Tuszynski.“The Feasibility of Coherent Energy Transfer in Microtubules.” Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2014.  11(100).
Hameroff, SR., Craddock TJ, & Tuszynski JA. Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness. 2014. J Integr Neurosci13 June (2):229-52.
Hameroff S., Comment.  L Turin et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., “Electron spin change during general anesthesia.” 2014. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Aug. 11.
Response Hameroff to L. Turin et al., 12 August, (2014).
Ref: Hadlington, Simon. “Knock-out theory puts new spin on general anaesthesia.” Chemistry World Review,  2014, ​​​​​​August 11.
Ref: citation in Luca Turin et al. 2014. “Electron spin changes during general anesthesia in Drosophilia. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 2014, 10.1073/ pnas. 26 April, Luca Turin, Efthimios M. C. Skoulakis, Andrew P. Horsfield
Ref:  Hameroff, SR.  2006. “The entwined mysteries of anesthesia and consciousness: Is there a common underlying mechanism?” Anesthesiology 2006, 105(2):400–412.
Hameroff, S., & Roger Penrose. Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory.”  2014. Physics of Life Reviews, March 11(1):39-78
Elsevier. PhysOrg News: Discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ corroborates theory of consciousness. 2014, 16 January.
Hameroff, S., & Penrose R. Reply to Seven Commentaries on “Consciousness in the Universe: Review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory”.  2014.  Physics of Life Reviews, 11:94–100.
Hameroff, S., & Penrose R. 2014. Reply to Criticism of the ‘Orch OR qubit’ – Orchestrated objective reduction is scientifically justified.” Physics of Life Reviews, 11(1):104-112.
Hameroff, Stuart. Consciousness, Microtubules and “Orch-OR”: A ‘Space-time’ Odyssey, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2014, Imprint Academic. Vol 21, 3-4, 126-153.
Hameroff, S. Quantum walks in brain microtubules-a biomolecular basis for quantum cognition? Top Cogn Sci, 2014, January; 6(1):91-7.
Discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ corroborates theory of consciousness,  Phys Org, 2014. 16 January.
Hameroff SR, Craddock TJ, Tuszynski JA, Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness, J Integr Neurosci. 2014 Apr 13(2):229-52
Hameroff, SR.  Quantum mathematical cognition requires quantum brain biology: the “Orch OR” theory.  Behav Brain Sci, 2013.  June; 36(3):287-90.
Hameroff, S.  Comment on: A Tale of Two Fields: “Dissipation of ‘dark energy’ by cortex in knowledge retrieval” by Capolupo, Freeman and Vitiello. Phys Life Rev. 2013 March; 10(1):95-6; discussion 112-6.
Hameroff S, Trakas M, Duffield C, Annabi E, Gerace MB, Boyle P, Lucas A, Amos Q, Buadu A, Badal JJ, Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: a pilot study, Brain Stimul, 2013; May;6(3):409-15.
Hameroff, S., How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will. Front Integr Neurosci,  2012 ; 6:93,  Oct 12.
Craddock T, St George M, Freedman H, Barakat K, Damaraju S, Hameroff S, Tuszynski J., Computational Predictions of Volatile Anesthetic Interactions with the Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Implications for Side Effects of General Anesthesia, PLOS One, 2012; June 25.
Hameroff S., Quantum brain biology complements neuronal assembly approaches to consciousness: Comment on "Consciousness, biology and quantum hypotheses" by Baars and Edelman. Phys Life Rev. 2012 Sep;9(3):303-5; discussion 306-7.
Craddock T, Tuszynski J, Hameroff S., Cytoskeletal Signaling: Is Memory Encoded in Microtubule Lattices by CaMKII Phosphorylation?  PLoS Computational Biology, 2012; March 8
Craddock TJ, Tuszynski JA, Chopra D, Casey N, Goldstein LE, Hameroff SR, Tanzi RE, The Zinc Dyshomeostasis Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease, PLoS One, 2012; March 23 7(3).


Three black and white images of Dr. Hameroff, Sir Roger Penrose and and Google researcher Hartmut Neven
Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole
From left, Stuart Hameroff, mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose and Google researcher Hartmut Neven                                                            at TSC June 5-10, 2017 Science of Consciousness conference. photo by Brad Buhr
Conferences | Presentations | Feature Articles | Interviews | Film



TSC, April 18-23, 2022, Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson  YouTube
Science & Roger Penrose, August 2021 - Virtual Webinar YouTube
Archives - Videos
TSC 2014-2022  YouTube

Long List:  Press, Presentations, Podcasts 

Short List:  Press, Presentations, Podcasts - see below
Aarat P. Kalra, Alfy Benny, Sophie M. Travis, Eric A. Zizzi, Austin Morales-Sanchez, Daniel G. Oblinsky, Travis J. A. Craddock, Stuart R. Hameroff, M. Bruce MacIver, Jack A. Tuszynski, Sabine Petry, Roger Penrose, Gregory D. Scholes.  Electronic Energy Migration in Microtubules, Aug 22, 2022. arXiv:2208.10628,+A    
Kalra, A. P., Hameroff, S., Tuszynski, J., Dogariu, A., Nicolas, Sachin, & Gross, P. J. 2022, August 14). Anesthetic gas effects on quantum vibrations in microtubules – Testing the Orch OR theory of consciousness.
Hameroff, Stuart. University of Tokyo, June 22, 2022. Hosted by Ken Mogi and Takashi Ikegami. This is an in depth talk on consciousness, cells, life, microtubules, humans, with a touch of Sir Roger Penrose from one of the greatest experts in this field, on 22nd June 2022. Hosted by Ken Mogi and Takashi Ikegami   video 
Hameroff, Stuart. Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton – A New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 16 June 2022
Podcasts from Brian Keating, UC San Diego | Hameroff and Penrose | What is Consciousness? Part 1 video
Sir Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff: Collapsing a theory of quantum consciousness? Part 2 - Brian Keating  video


Science & Roger Penrose - August 2021 Webinar - 90th birthday and Nobel Prize celebration - video.           
About the Webinar & Background links  /  Speaker Bios & Abstracts  /  Program Schedule  /   Highlight Reel   


Hameroff, Stuart - Quantum Biology & Consciousness - video

SPARC project PI DrTanusree Dutta invited Prof Stuart Hameroff as the key speaker in the conference. , Jan 15, 2021. 

Morris, Andrea  An Experiment For Consciousness? Scientists and Philosophers Across Three Countries Debate it - ForbesNov 4, 2021  article 


Penrose, Sir Roger and Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation Consciousness and the Physics of the Brain.  The Qualcomm Institute. Sanford. Consortium for Regenerative Medicine - Roth Auditorium - La Jolla, CA. Jan 10, 2020. video 

The Science of Consciousness, September 2020 - Virtual Conference YouTube

Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation.  Is Your Brain Really a Computer? Sand Conference, 2019.  video
Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. The Science of Consciousness, Sand 2019   video
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. The Science of Consciousness. TSC Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland. June 25-28, 2019. Plenary 9 – Quantum Brain. ” Do Consciousness, Anesthetic Action and EEG All Derive from Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules?  video 
‘Science on Screen’ ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’. March 20, 2019. Tucson, AZ. The Loft Cinema presented a special screening of the Oscar-winning 2004 comedy/drama, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, featuring a live introduction by Stuart Hameroff, MD, director of the University of Arizona’s Center for Consciousness Studies. Dr. Hameroff’s lively discussion, entitled “Eternal Sunshine … with a chance of showers,” will explore scientific prospects for real memory manipulation, based on events portrayed in the movie, as well as current understanding of consciousness, self and our place in the universe. 

Hameroff, Stuart interview with Robert Wright, Meaning of Life TV, The Wright Show, Quantum Consciousness, June 8, 2019.   video

The Wright Show, Host: Robert Wright, Quantum Consciousness, Stuart Hameroff, video interview (   June 25, 2018.

Hameroff, Stuart. Keynote Speaker, “Consciousness in the Universe.”at Consciousness in Science, Jan 18-20, 2019 Gainesville, Florida, hosted by the Bhaktivedanta Institute and University of Florida at Gainesville.  video

Hameroff, Stuart, ‘Science of Consciousness’, Sand 2018.  video
Hameroff, Stuart with Sir Roger Penrose. “Quantum computing and Orch OR.” Invited Speakers, Google Quantum AI Laboratory, Silicon Valley, CA, Dec. 17, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart interview with Bruce Langford. Mindfulness Mode Podcast. Understand the quantum orchestra in your brain. Dec 5, 2018.   video
Hameroff, S., Guest Speaker & Interview,  Markets Business Insider, Global Zen Consciousness and Future of AI Robotics,   The inaugural Global Zen Consciousness Conference (GZC) documentary production organized by Shaolin Chan Foundation (SCF) produced by Shaolin Institute (IS) and DeRu Media (DRM) held in Atlanta, GA. Oct 22, 2018. article
Hameroff, Stuart. 2nd Workshop on Biological Mentality, Plenary Speaker. Center for the Physics of Living Systems, Michigan Tech University, Ann Arbor, MI, Sept. 25, 2018.

Hameroff, Stuart interview with Kerwin Rae, Host, Unstoppable; Imaging a world with no limits. Sept 18, 2018.   video

Hameroff, Stuart with Sir Roger Penrose. “Biological feasibility of quantum computing and Orch OR.” Singularity University, Invited Speakers, Silicon Valley, Aug. 7, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. Quantum Activism. Europe conference, Keynote Speaker, Bologna, Italy,  July 26, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart interview with Robert Wright, The Wright Show, (, Quantum Consciousness with Stuart Hameroff, June 25, 2018.  video
Hameroff, Stuart. Guest Lecture. “Anesthetic action links consciousness to quantum vibrations in brain microtubules.”  Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA, June 12, 2018.  video 
Hameroff, Stuart. Caltech presentation, Anesthetic action links consciousness to quantum vibrations, June 11, 2018  video
Hameroff, Stuart R. “Do anesthetics prevent consciousness by dampening quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons?” Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA), Chicago, IL, Apr. 27-28, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Quantum pan-protopsychism – A scientific approach to the hard problem.” Plenary speaker, The Science of Consciousness 2018, Tucson, Arizona and “Idealism and Panpsychism” Tucson, Arizona, Apr. 6, 2018.  link

The Science of Consciousness TSC-2018, Tucson, AZ, April 2-7, 2018.  video

Hameroff, Stuart interview with Steven Volk, Volk, Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole, feature, Discover, Feb 22, 2018.   article
Hameroff, Stuart. The Enigma of Human Consciousness, Symposium, Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics+Aesthetic, Lucerne, Switzerland, Jan. 20, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart interview with Paul Ratner, Why a “genius” scientist thinks our consciousness originates at the quantum level, feature, Big Think, January 15, 2018.  article

Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. Anesthesia, Consciousness, Bohm and Penrose (EmQM17), University of London, UK – posted Oct 2020 - Emergent Quantum Mechanics October 26-28, 2017 –Towards Ontology of Quantum Mechanics and the Conscious Agent, David Bohm Centennial Symposium, 4th International Symposium on Quantum Mechanics based on a “Deeper Level Theory”,  Sponsored by Fetzer Franklin Fund.
Hameroff S., Darwin Versus Deepak, Which Came First, Feelings or the Brain? Huff Post, June 2, 2015 updated Dec. 6, 2017.  article
Hameroff, Stuart. “How anesthesia selectively blocks consciousness.” Guest Lecture, Annual Cognitive Science Conclave, University of Arizona/Arizona State University, Tucson, Arizona, Dec. 2, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Does blue light deep in the brain mediate consciousness?” Keynote Speaker, Quantum and Nanosystems Computing and Applications Conference, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Systems Engineering Society, Agra, India, Nov. 21, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, Inaugural Lecture: “Consciousness and rhythms of the universe.” International Institute for Invincible Rhythms, Shimla, India, Nov. 19, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Guest Lecture: “Does blue light deep in the brain mediate consciousness?” National Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India. Nov. 14, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Guest Speaker, “The Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR theory – Current status.” Physics Seminar: University of Oxford, Oxford UK, Nov. 1, 2017.
Stuart Hameroff, Guest Lecture UCL “Neuroscience: ‘Anesthesia and consciousness.” University College, London UK Oct 31, 2017.
Stuart Hameroff, Guest Lecture: “Is quantum physics necessary to understand consciousness?” Sackler Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Sussex, UK, Oct. 30, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Lecture: “Anesthesia, C, Bohm and Penrose.” David Bohm Centennial Symposium, University of London, Oct. 28, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is consciousness guiding the universe? – Further Reaches of Consciousness Research.” The Scientific & Network presents, Beyond the Brain XII, Regents University, London UK, Oct. 28-29, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. Anesthesia, Consciousness, Bohm and Penrose (EmQM17), University of London, UK – posted Oct 2020 - Emergent Quantum Mechanics October 26-28, 2017 –Towards Ontology of Quantum Mechanics and the Conscious Agent, David Bohm Centennial Symposium, 4th International Symposium on Quantum Mechanics based on a “Deeper Level Theory”,  Sponsored by Fetzer Franklin Fund.   video  
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, “Consciousness and the Anthropic Principle: Is Consciousness Driving the Universe.” Sages and Scientists, San Diego, 2017.  link

Newswise – Consciousness Depends on Tubulin Vibrations Inside Neurons Anesthesia Study Suggests in Nature, Aug 29 2017. link

East West, The Middle West, Dialogue with the Dalai Lama, A recent conversation with Russian scientists and HHDL, New Delhi, India. Aug. 7-8, 2017.

Hameroff, S. “Consciousness in the Universe – The ‘Orch OR’ theory’.” Invited Speaker, Institute ‘The Infinite Consciousness Conference’, Hosted/Invited by Ervin Laszlo, July 16-17, 2017, Bagni di Lucca, Italy.

Mishlove, Jeffrey.New Thinking Allowed, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, ‘The Hard Problem of Consciousness’ July 8, 2017. Consciousness and the Brain – 6-part series.

New Thinking Allowed, interview with Jeffrey Mishlove and Stuart Hameroff, The Orch OR Theory of Consciousness and its Critics with Stuart Hameroff, (Recorded on July 8, 2017)

Hameroff, S. “The “quantum pleasure principle- Did life evolve to feel good?” The Scientific & Medical Network, London UK, June 21, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. ‘The ‘Quantum pleasure principle – Did life evolve to feel good?’ June 10, 2017;  ‘Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness’, TSC 2017 – San Diego, CA Plenary 13   video
Hameroff, Stuart. The Science of Consciousness, hosted by the Center for Consciousness Studies (University of Arizona), San Diego, California, June 5-10, 2017. East-West Forum: Hameroff, S. “Is consciousness driving the universe.” June 5, 2017; Quantum Biology workshop, “Update on Orch OR theory.” Presenter, June 6, 2017, Hameroff, Stuart with  J. Craddock, J. Tuszynski, Anirban Bandyopadhyay; Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. ‘The “Quantum pleasure principle – Did life evolve to feel good?” June 10, 2017;  ‘Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness’, San Diego, California, Plenary 13 -video
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, “The molecular mechanisms of general anesthesia and consciousness”. Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. Hosted/Invited by Jean-Pierre Changeux, March 8, 2017.

Ball, Philip. The Strange Link Between the Human Mind and Physics, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, BBC, Feb.16, 2017.

Brown, William. Confirmation of Quantum Resonance in Brain Microtubules, Resonance Science Foundation, feature posted on February 6.


Hameroff, Stuart. “Octave Forum on Consciousness, The ‘Living Room’.” Invited Speaker, Hosted/Invited by Julian Chang,  Hangzhou, China, Shanghai, China, Dec. 9, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. The Science of Consciousness’  Invited Speaker, Orient Forum – campus-wide lecture, Zhejiang University, Hosted/Invited by Hengwei Li, Hangzhou, China. Dec. 8, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is quantum physics necessary to account for consciousness?” Invited Speaker, Workshop on Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics, Zhejiang University,Hosted/Invited by Hengwei Li, Hangzhou, China. Dec. 6, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart, “The Meyer-Overton quantum underground accounts for biological quantum coherence’ Forum on Quantum Biology.” Invited Speaker, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba University, Invited/Hosted by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Tsukuba, Japan, Dec. 2, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Quantum Basis of Consciousness.” Keynote Speaker, 10th Biennial European Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Sigtuna Foundation, Hosted/Invited by Hans Liljenstrom, Sigtuna, Sweden, Oct. 13-15, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “The ‘Meyer-Overton quantum underground’ accounts for biological quantum coherence.” Invited Speaker, Hosted/Invited by Anders Hedberg, Upsala University Angstrom Lab, Symposium on Quantum Biology,  Uppsala, Sweden, Oct. 12, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is quantum physics necessary to explain consciousness?” Invited Speaker,  Hosted/Invited by Anton Kuznetsov, Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy Center for Consciousness Studies, Moscow, Russian Federation, Oct. 11, 2016.  link
Yandex (‘Russian Google’) public lecture, Hosted/Invited by Tatiana Ginzburg,”The Science of Consciousness.” Oct. 11, 2016.
11th Annual Water Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, Hosted/Invited by Gerald Pollack, S. Hameroff, “Polar and non-polar (quantum) regulation of protein dynamics.” Oct. 6-9, 2016.
Stuart Hameroff, Invited Speaker.  "The Orch OR Theory of Consciousness as Quantum Computation in Brain Microtubules: Status and Update After 20 Years"  Stanford University, Center for the Explanation of Consciousness. Radway Workshop. August 26, 2016  [View Abstract]
Quantum consciousness, A new Paradigm in Consciousness microtubules, Bagni di Lucca, Italy. host Betsy Pool, The Institute for the Mythology of Humanity. 16-17 July 2016 – filmed during the Infinite Consciousness Conference hosted by Ervin Laszlo Institute. posted Aug 2016  video
The Institute for the Mythology of Humanity, 2016. Interviews from the Meeting Place of Science and Consciousness, YouTube video 2016   video
Hameroff, Stuart. ‘Is quantum physics necessary to understand consciousness? Invited Speaker, Russian House, hosted/invited by Tatiana Ginzburg, Jenner, California, July 31, 2016.  video
Hameroff, S.  Quantum Consciousness and its nature in Microtubules. Sand, 2016.  video
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is quantum physics necessary to understand consciousness?” Invited Speaker, Russian House, hosted/invited by Tatiana Ginzburg, Jenner, California, July 31, 2016. link
Quantum Interactions Conference (QI 2016), July 20-22, San Francisco State University,”Is Chomsky’s structure of language encoded in microtubules?” July 20-22, 2016
Google Sci-Foo Camp, Google campus, Mountain View, California Invited Speaker, July 22-24, 2016 – a) Lightning talk – ‘Good vibrations – Tuning the brain with transcranial ultrasound’ b) ‘Quantum physics and consciousness’ (session on the future of physics with Max Tegmark and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek)

Chopra, D. Is Your Brain Really a Computer or a Quantum Orchestra, Contributor Stuart Hameroff, HuffPost, July 8, 2016.

More Rational Than Thou, D Chopra on Orch OR – An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins and Michael Shermer, HuffPost, June 5, 2016.

The Science of Consciousness 2016, Tucson, Arizona, Plenary Lecture, Five Roads to Consciousness. Stuart Hameroff, “The Road Within: Orch OR and the Quantum Underground.” Apr. 26, 2016 – Hameroff, Stuart. Quantum Biology, Workshop, with Stuart Kauffman, Jack A. Tuszynski, Katherine T. Peil, Travis Craddock, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Dean Radin), Tucson, Arizona, Apr. 25, 2016. LINK TO CCS TSC VIDEOS  

DEATH IN A QUANTUM SPACE. ハメロフ博士の. 世界一ぶっとんだ死の話. 意識と「量子もつれ」と不滅の魂. 人がその生をまっとうし、肉体が生命活動を終え ...​
Death in A Quantum Space, Japan Wired Magazine, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, released Jan 2015; Japan Wired Magazine – 2014 Death in A Quantum Space.pdf   
Japan Wired Mag

New Thinking Allowed, interviews with Jeffrey Mishlove and Stuart Hameroff, 2015.
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 1 The Magic of Microtubules (Aug 4, 2015)
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 2: The Mystery of Anesthesia (Aug 4, 2015)
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 3: Quantum Consciousness     (Aug 4, 2015)
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 4: The Orchestra of the Brain  (Aug 5, 2015)

Consciousness and the Brain Part 5: Consciousness in the Universe (Aug 5, 2015)

Consciousness and the Brain, Part 6: Spiritual Implications, with Stuart Hameroff (Aug 5, 2015)
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. “The ‘Quantum Pleasure Principle’ – How Life Evolved to Feel Good.” Toward a Science of Consciousness, Helsinki, June 8-13, 2015.

Is your Brain really a Computer or Is It a Quantum Orchestra, D. Chopra, HuffPost, July 9, 2015.

Quantum Criticality in life’s proteins (update) John Hewitt, April 15, 2015, Quantum Criticality at the Origins of Life in John Hewitt’s Quantum Criticality in life’s proteins (update).

Stuart Hameroff Quantum criticality in living systems – Commentary on Stuart Kauffman, Gabor Vattay and colleagues     April 15, 2015 by John Hewitt,

Newswise – Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ March 23, 2015. 

Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ as Origins of Consciousness Electron resonance pervades the brain, March 2015 – Newswise.

Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ as Origins of Consciousness Electron resonance pervades the brain, March 2015 – Newswise.

GS Mudur, Deep inside cells, a clue to the mind -Indian physicists have discovered what they say are possible
signatures of a hidden information processing network in all living cells, predicted by other scientists decades ago as a key to deciphering biological mysteries including consciousness. The Telegraph, March 4, 2015.

Why Can’t The World’s Greatest Minds Solve the Mystery of Consciousness? by Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, January 21, 2015;
The Guardian Audio  Long Read 30:37

Ultrasound promotes neurite outgrowth-Implications for TBI – U.Raman, S.Parker, C.Duffield, S.Ghosh, *S. R. Hameroff, Nanosymposium-486. Traumatic Brain Injury: Therapeutic Strategies I Nov 18, 2014 – Neuroscience 2014 – SfN Society for Neuroscience, Nov 15-19, 2014, Washington, D.C.

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness, September 23, 2014 – A review and update of the Physics of Life Reviews, Earth Changes Media.  

Consciousness – A conversation with Deepak Chopra & Stuart Hameroff, In Lectures & Conversations, September 3, 2014

Sages & Scientists Symposium, August 22-24, 2014, Carlsbad, CA –Chopra Center.  link

Consciousness and the Universe; radio host, Eldon Taylor, interview with Stuart Hameroff. DATE: July 23, 2014 

Hadington, Simon. Electron Theft, Not Drug Effects, May Be How Anesthesia Knocks People Out, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, Scientific American, Aug 13, 2014.

Palmer, Roxanne. World Science Festival – WSF, Anesthesia’s Electric Effects?  Interview with S. Hameroff, Aug 11, 2014.

“Tuning the brain – Treating mental states through microtubule vibrations. ” June 11, 2014, Berkeley, University of California, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience.

Why Anesthesia Is One of the Greatest Medical Mysteries of Our Time, Daily Explainer/, 6/19/2014.

Brain Mapping Symposium, S. Hameroff, Chair; Participants: Henry Markram, Christof Koch, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, at University of Arizona, College of Medicine, sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies, a special session of the Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson Conference, April 24, 2014.
TSC 20th Anniversary Conference, 2014.  Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, April 21-26, 2014; Co-Chair 
Microtubules and Quantum Biology-Pre Conference Workshop,  itunes
Roger Penrose, Jack Tuszynski, Travis Craddock, Anirban Banyopadhyay, Stuart Hameroff April 21, 2014;  
Plenary 9, – “Quantum Approaches: Twenty Years On” with (Max Tegmark, Stuart Hameroff, Anirban Bandyopadhyay); 2014
Stuart Hameroff, Stuart Hameroff, Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules – Orch OR – 20 Years On. April 25, 2014.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker “Death and Consciousness.” Plenary Speaker with George Mashour, Susan Blackmore, The Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, April 26, 2014.    itunes
Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona 2014, “Quantum Approaches: 20 years on.” Selected Sessions, iTunes – (Library of CCS-iTunes) 


Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Closer to Truth, PBS, Interview Series with Stuart Hameroff, April 2014, TV Episodes

Closer to Truth – PBS – Feature Interviews with Stuart Hameroff
Toward a Science of Consciousness –Episode Synopsis         
filmed at the 20th Anniversary, Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona.
Physics of Free Will  |  Can We explain Cosmos and Consciousness?  |  Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?  |  
Human Consciousness have Special Purpose
What is Consciousness Part 2   |  Is Consciousness an Ultimate Fact. |  What is Synchronicity?  |   
Quantum Physics of Consciousness  |  Consciousness and Spirituality  |  How do Human Brains Function? Part 2. | 
Does Brain Make Mind?  |  What are Altered States of Consciousness?
Does Consciousness Cause the Cosmos?  | Must the Universe Contain Consciousness?  | Aesthetics: Physics and Neuroscience
What is Panpsychism?  |  Can Consciousness be Non-Biological? Part 1  |  Is Consciousness Definable?


Newswise. Grand Theories to Clash at Tucson Conference – Collision Course, in the Science of Consciousness. 2014. 

Arizona Public Media,  Host, Anna Augustowska, Interview with Stuart Hameroff. April 22, 2014.

Science Friday, Roger Penrose: Cosmic Inflation Is ‘Fantasy’,
Apr 4, 2014.  
Science Friday PBS  

10th Symposium of the Bial Foundation  26-29 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, Casa do Médico – Porto, Behind and Beyond the Brain; Mind-Matter Interactions, Hameroff, Stuart, Keynote, ‘Consciousness, microtubules and quantum nonlocality – The ‘Orch OR’ theory’ 2014.…

Collision Course’ in the Science of Consciousness: Grand Theories to Clash at Tucson Conference, Huffington Post, Mar 18, 2014.

Q&A with Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff,  Elsevier Connect, Video  26:00, On How Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Corroborates the Theory of Consciousness. Amsterdam, Feb 20, 2014

Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, February 19, 2014 – Elsevier. Journals, Interview with Nobel prize candidate Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, ElsevierConnect, February 19, 2014, Amsterdam.

The Brainstorm Sessions, Amsterdam, Orch OR theory, Flemish Arts Centre De Brakke Grond and UvA Amsterdam – “Microtubules and the Great Debate about Consciousness.” The Brain & Cognition Center (ABC) “Night of the Brain” Jan  2014  Amsterdam Programme.pdf   

Elsevier, Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons Corroborates Controversial 20-Year-Old Theory of Consciousness, Jan 16,  2014, Amsterdam.

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Science Daily, Jan 16, 2014. A review and update of a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness published in Physics of Life Reviews claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons.

Controversial Theory of Consciousness Revisited: Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons, Science World Report, Jan 16, 2014

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Science Daily, Jan 16, 2014.  

Elsevier. Stuart Hameroff on Singularity 1 on 1: Consciousness is Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons – Corroborates Controversial 20-Year-Old Theory of Consciousness, Jan 16, 2014, Amsterdam.

Penrose, Bandyopadhyay & Hameroff, Lezing: Microtubuli & het grote debat over het bewustzijn

S. Hameroff, D. Chopra – “Consciousness and the ‘Anthropic principle’ – Is consciousness driving the universe?” Sages and Scientists, San Diego, California,  2013  video 
Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, Presenters, The quantum nature of consciousness/ 2045 initiative, June 15-16, 2013 Lincoln Center, New York.  video
Hameroff, S. “Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules.” Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley, 7 Jan 2013. video 
Hameroff, S and Chopra, D. “Consciousness and the ‘Anthropic principle’ – Is consciousness driving the universe?” 2013, Sages and Scientists, San Diego, CA  video

Closer to Truth, host Robert Kuhn; Stuart Hameroff on Panpsychism, 2013, NPR.

Probing the Unknowable Mysteries of the Brain, Marcelo Gleiser, NPR, Dec. 4, 2013 reporting from the Agra India TSC Conference.

Huffington Post, Letter to the TED-itors, Apr 18, 2013.

MP3s in your genes? Is Human DNA the same as computer code? Huffington Post Live HPL Feb 6, 2013 Panel hosted by Josh Zepps. Video

Consciousness: A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff, 2013, Is Human DNA the same as computer code? Huffington Post Live, Feb 6, 2013.

Can Images Unlock the Mystery of a Healing Brain?  MedPage Today, Nancy Walsh, Feb 1, 2013.

Hameroff, Stuart “A New Marriage of Brain and Computer.”  Google Talks, Mountain View, CA, 2012.  video
Hameroff, S., "Fractal Consciousness and Orch OR" Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, AZ PL4 – TSC12 2012. video
Hameroff, S., Bangalore, Quantum Mechanics, India National Institute of Advanced Studies. Jan 5, 2012.  video

Global Future 2045, S. Hameroff, Microtubules & Quantum Consciousness, June 15-16, 2012.

Host, Nikola Danaylov, Feature Interview with Stuart Hameroff on Singularity 1 on 1: Consciousness is More Than Computation! 2012.

Stuart Hameroff’s Quantum Theory of Consciousness – Transpersonal Matters, 2012.

Post Anesthesia Dementia, like Alzheimer’s, Looks Micro-‘Tubular’, Science Daily, June 27, 2012.

Scientists claim brain memory code cracked, Science Daily, March 9, 2012.

TEDx Tucson, S. Hameroff, The Future of Consciousness, Tucson, 2012.

Doctor Asks: What Is Consciousness? Arizona Public Media/ Arizona Illustrated, PBS, NPR, by Luis Carrion, April 10, 2012.

Turning consciousness upside down: Magic mushrooms and the fractal brain hierarchy – Commentary on Carhart-Harris et al (2012) Neural correlates of the psychedelic…

Consciousness After Death Possible?, S. Hameroff, M. Freeman Host, 2012.

QANSAS 2011, Agra India, Quantum and Nanocomputing Systems Centre (QANCENTRE), Dec 1-4, 2011.  video
Penrose R, Hameroff S. Toward a Science of Consciousness, May 2-7, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden 
Therner & Loeth article from the Stockholm Conference  

‘Is Life After Death Possible?’  Through the Wormhole, Discovery Science Channel, hosted by Morgan Freeman, interview with Stuart Hameroff -season 2 episode 1, 2011.

Through the Wormhole, Discovery Science Channel, hosted by Morgan Freeman.

Segment on Life After Death 2011, interview with Stuart Hameroff, Season 2, Episode 1, Part 2 first aired: June 8, 2011 – features interviews and scenes filmed at University Medical Center, Tucson – Morgan Freeman, host and narrator highlights views of leading researchers and skeptics into the questions of near-death experiences, consciousness, quantum effects on biological research and the science behind what we know today.  YouTube clip/S. Hameroff

Through the Wormhole, Season 2 Episode 1, TTW, part 2, host Morgan Freeman, Segment: Is there Life after Death? interview with Stuart Hameroff.

Miracle Detectives, OWN, February 2011, The Science of Consciousness.

Hameroff, Stuart et al. Seminar on Microtubules, Electric Ocillators in Living Cells  University of Arizona Nov 9, 2010.   itunes 
Hameroff, Stuart – Do we have a quantum Soul? TEDxBrussels, 2010.  video
Hameroff, Stuart., Chair.  Symposium on Microtubules, University of Arizona, Dec. 2010
CCS Special Symposium Microtubules Electric Oscillators in Living Cells-Part 1, Hameroff, Jiri Pokorny, Anirban Bandyopadhyay CCS Special Seminar, University of Arizona, 2010; Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Electronic Transport Properties of a Single Microtubule, Part 2 2010
Hameroff, Stuart. Baseline Brain Energy; “Brain Dark Matter.” Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Arizona,  Dec. 21, 2010.

Hameroff, S. Invited Speaker. “Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival.” The Salk Institute, in association with the Crick-Jacobs Center, La Jolla, CA Nov 5-7, 2006. video

Hameroff S, V.S. Ramachandran. Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival (TSN) The Science Network) 2006, Session 4. Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA from November 5-7, 2006.


What the Bleep Do We Know!?   Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality, 20th Century Fox, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2004  What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Feature Film) 


Closer to Truth: Science Meaning and the Future, Season 1, 2003 12:12  “Is Consciousness Definable, J Bogen, C  Koch, L Brothers, S  Hameroff.

The Science of Consciousness interview with Stuart Hameroff, Quantum Physics and Consciousness, Gregory Alsbury, 2003, Albsbury Films 

Simulation by BBC TV in consultation with Stuart Hameroff for show “ESP” produced by Peter Getzels and Harriet Gordon.  Original artwork by Dave Cantrell.Download the video 

BBC TV Simulation of Orch OR Model of Consciousness 

BBC SIMULATION-  Link to CCS iTunes Page 


Anesthetic Action

Aminpour M, Hameroff S, Tuszynski JA.  How COVID-19 Hijacks the Cytoskeleton: Therapeutic Implications.  2022.  Life  (Basel).  May 30;12(6):814.
Hameroff S. Anesthetic action and ‘quantum consciousness’ – A match made in olive oil. Anesthesiology 129(2):228-2312, (2018).
TJA Craddock, P Kurian, J Preto, K Sahu, SR Hameroff, M Klobukowski, JA Tuszynski, Anesthetic alterations of collective terahertz oscillations in tubulin correlate with clinical potency: Implications for anesthetic action and post-operative cognitive dysfunction, Scientific Reports, 2017,7 (1), 9877.
TJA Craddock, SR Hameroff, JA Tuszynski, Ch 13 “Quantum Underground”: Where life and consciousness originate pp 459-515 in Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach, October 2016, Eds, R. Poznanski, JA Tuszynski, TE Feinberg.
TJA Craddock, SR Hameroff, AT Ayoub, M Klobukowski, JA Tuszynski, Anesthetics Act in Quantum in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 15 (6), 523-533, 2015.     Abstract
 J. A. Craddock, TravisR. Hameroff, StuartT. Ayoub, AhmedKlobukowski, MariuszA. Tuszynski, Jack,  Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 15, Number 6, March 2015, pp. 523-533(11),  Bentham Science Publishers. 
Oil and water don’t mix. Can that simple fact explain consciousness? In a special issue of ‘Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry’ scientists from Nova Southeastern University, the University of Alberta and the University of Arizona find evidence that anesthetics act to prevent consciousness in non-polar, oil-like ‘quantum channels’ deep inside proteins, deep inside brain neurons. Anesthetic gas molecules selectively prevent consciousness, sparing non-conscious brain activities. But where, and how? At the turn of the 20th century, Meyer and Overton found that potency of various anesthetic gases correlated precisely with their solubility and binding in a non-polar medium akin to olive oil, later shown to be largely pi electron resonance clouds of ‘aromatic’ amino acid rings within brain proteins. Shielded from the polar environment, pi cloud arrays in photosynthesis proteins support quantum coherence. Could anesthesia block consciousness by preventing quantum coherence in brain proteins? Which proteins? After decades of inconclusive study of membrane receptor proteins, evidence for anesthetic action now points instead to a deeper level inside neurons, in non-polar regions inside the protein walls of cytoskeletal microtubules. Microtubules are protein lattice polymers which organize neuronal interiors and regulate synapses. Several theories suggest consciousness depends on microtubules acting as quantum computers whose quantum bits (‘qubits’) involve coherent dipole couplings among pi electron resonance clouds. Using molecular modeling, the US-Canadian team of Travis Craddock, Stuart Hameroff and Jack Tuszynski had previously shown anesthetic binding in ‘quantum channels’, non-polar arrays of amino acid pi resonance clouds, winding through microtubules. In the present study, the team modeled dipole-coupled oscillations between benzene ring pi resonance clouds and found intrinsic coherence at a frequency of 68 Terahertz (68 x 1015 Hz). With a nearby anesthetic molecule binding by van der Waals ‘dipole dispersion’ forces, the energy barrier increased, changing the clocking frequency by 20 percent. Thus anesthesia may dampen terahertz vibrations in quantum channels in brain microtubules. How would that cause loss of consciousness? Travis Craddock, lead author said: ‘The brain is looking like a scale-invariant hierarchy, with clocking frequencies at different spatio-temporal scales – clocks within clocks within clocks…. Anesthetics act at the deepest level, the fastest clock, the inner apex of a brain hierarchy in which consciousness occurs.
Craddock TJ, Friesen D, Mane J, Hameroff S, Tuszynski JA. The feasibility of coherent energy transfer in microtubules. J R Soc Interface. 2014 Nov 6;11(100):20140677.
Hameroff SR, Craddock TJ, Tuszynski JA. Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness. J Integr Neurosci. 2014, Jun;13(2):229-52. 
Quantum walks in brain microtubules–a biomolecular basis for quantum cognition? Hameroff, S., Top Cogn Sci. 2014, Jan; 6(1):91-7.doi:10.1111/tops.12068.Epub, 2014 Nov 21.
Stuart Hameroff, Michael Trakas, Chris Duffield, Emil Annabi, M. Bagambhrini Gerace, Patrick Boyle, Anthony Lucas, Quinlan Amos, Annemarie Buadu, John J. Badal. Transcranial Ultrasound (TUS) Effects on Mental States: A Pilot Study. Brain Stimulation, 2013; 6 (3): 409 DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2012.05.002.
Hameroff, S. How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, Oct 12, 2012.
Travis J. A. Craddock, Jack A. Tuszynski, Stuart Hameroff. Cytoskeletal Signaling: Is Memory Encoded in Microtubule Lattices by CaMKII Phosphorylation? PLoS Computational Biology, 2012; 8 (3): e1002421 DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002421.
Hameroff, S., Comment on: Comment on “Consciousness, biology and quantum hypotheses” in Quantum brain biology complements neuronal assembly approaches to consciousness by Baars and Edelman, S. Hameroff, Sci Direct, 2012; 11 July.
Craddock TJ, St George M, Freedman H, Barakat KH, Damaraju S, Hameroff S, Tuszynski JA. Computational predictions of volatile anesthetic interactions with the microtubule cytoskeleton: implications for side effects of general anesthesia. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e37251. 
Zinc, microtubules and Alzheimer’s disease, in PLoS One, 2012; 7(3): e33552.
Anesthetics, tubulin and post-operative cognitive dysfunction, in PLoS One, June 25, 2012.
Stuart R. Hameroff, M.D., The Entwined Mysteries of Anesthesia and Consciousness: Is There a Common Underlying Mechanism?
Anesthesiology 8 2006, Vol.105, 400-412. August 2006.
Hameroff, S., Anesthesia, consciousness and hydrophobic pockets – a unitary quantum hypothesis of anesthetic action, Toxicology Letters, Volumes 100–101, 23, Pages 31-39, November 1998.
Davis TP, Veggeberg SK, Hameroff SR, Watts KL. Sensitive and quantitative determination of plasma doxepin and desmethyldoxepin in chronic pain patients by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr. 1983, Apr 8;273(2):436.
Hameroff SR, Otto CW, Kanel J, Weinstein PR, Blitt CD., Acute cardiovascular effects of dimethyl sulfoxide. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1983; 411:94-9.
Calkins JM, Waterson CK, Hameroff SR., J. Kanel. Jet pulse characteristics in high frequency jet ventilation in dogs. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1982; 6l:293-300.
Hameroff SR, Watt RC. Information processing in microtubules. J Theor Biol, 1982; 98:549-56l.
Hameroff, S. R.; Watt, R. C.; Borel, J. D.; Carlson, G. General Anesthetics Directly Inhibit Electron Mobility: Dipole Dispersion Theory of Anesthetic Action. Physiol. Chem. Phys., 1982, 14, 183–187.
Hameroff SR, Waterson CK, Calkins JM, Kanel JS. High frequency alternating lung ventilation. Anesthesiology, 1981; 54:237-239.
Hameroff SR, Carlson GC, Brown, Jr BR. Ilioinguinal pain syndrome. Pain, 1981; l0:253-257
Hameroff SR, Crago BR, Blitt CD, Womble J, Kanel JS. Comparison of bupivacaine, etidocaine, and saline for trigger-point therapy. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1981; 60:752-755.
Blitt CD, Carlson GL, Rolling GD, Hameroff SR, Otto CW. A comparative evaluation of pretreatment with nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers prior to the administration of succinylcholine. Anesthesiology. 1981 Dec;55(6):687-9.
Hameroff SR, Otto CW, Kanel J, Weinstein PR, Blitt CD. Acute cardiovascular effects of dimethylsulfoxide. Crit Care Med. 1981 Dec;9(12):855-7.
Bentley JV, Hameroff SR. Diffuse reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Anesthesiology, 1980; 53:256-257.
Stiffel P, Hameroff SR, Blitt CD and Cork R. Variability in assessment of neuromuscular blockade. Anesthesiology, 1980; 52:436-437.
Reynolds AF Jr, Hameroff SR, Blitt CD, Roberts WL, Spinal subdural epiarachnoid hematoma: a complication of a novel epidural blood patch technique. Anesth Analg. 1980 Sep;59(9):702-3.
Stiffel P, Hameroff SR. A modified technique for transtracheal anesthesia. Anesthesiology, 1979; 5l: 274-275.
Chvapil M, Hameroff SR, O’Dea K, Peacock EE. Local anesthetics and wound healing. Journal of Surgical Research, 1979; 27:367-71.



Hameroff, SR, Satsangi PS, & Sahni V. (Eds.) 2016. Consciousness: Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives. New Delhi: New Age Books.

Penrose, R, Hameroff SR, Stapp HP, Chopra D & Kak S. 2011. Consciousness and the Universe. Quantum PhysicsEvolution, Brain & Mind, Journal of Cosmology.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Chalmers D. (Eds.) 1999. Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Scott AC. (Eds.) 1998. Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Scott AC. (Eds.) 1996. Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Koruga DL, Hameroff SR, Withers J, Loutfy R, & Sundareshan M. 1993. C60 Fullerene–From Nanobiology to Nanotechnology. Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.

Hameroff SR. 1987. Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and NanoTechnology. Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.  


Craddock, T.J., Kurian P., Tuszynski J.A., & Hameroff S.R. 2019.  “Quantum Processes in Neurophotonics and the Origin of the Brain’s Spatiotemporal Hierarchy.”  In R.R. Alfano & L. Shi (Eds.), In Neurophotonics and Biomedical Spectroscopy. (189-213). Elsevier, abstract

Hameroff, S.  (submitted)  “Quantum state reduction and consciousness – which comes first?”  In  Stanley Klein, Chris Cochran, Acacio de Barros & Carlos Montemayor (Eds.), In  Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics – The Work of Henry Stapp.  Springer

Hameroff, S. (2019 – in press)  “A brief history of consciousness.”  In On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality. Sand Anthology, New Harbinger Publications.

Hameroff, S., & Penrose R. 2016. “Consciousness in the Universe: An Updated Review of the “Orch OR” Theory.”  In  R. Poznanski, J.A. Tuszynski, & T.E. Feinberg, (Eds.), In The Biophysics of ConsciousnessA Foundational Approach. (517-599; Chap. 14). World Scientific.  ch-14_revised-2-3 .pdf

Craddock, T., Hameroff, S., Tuszynski, J.A.  2016.  “The “Quantum Underground”: Where Life and Consciousness Originate.” In   R. Poznanski, J.A.Tuszynski, T.E. Feinberg, (Eds.), In The Biophysics of Consciousness – Foundational Approaches. (Chap. 13), World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.  2016. “The Quantum Origin of Life – How the brain evolved to feel good.”  In M. Tabeyranc &       F. Ayala (Eds.),  On Human Nature. Academic Press.

Satsangi, P.S., Hameroff, S. & Sahni, V.  2016.  “Does Consciousness Guide the Universe?” In Consciousness: Integrating Eastern andWestern Perspectives. (351-373; Sec. 2) New Age Books.

Ebner, M., & Hameroff, S.  2015  “Modeling Figure/Ground Separation with a ‘Mobile Zone’ of Laterally-Connected Spiking  Neurons,” In Irena Roterman-Konieczna, (Ed.), In Simulation in Medicine: Preclinical and Clinical Approach. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Alfonseca, A, Ortega, M de la Cruz, Hameroff, S.R. & Lahoz-Beltra, R.  2015.  “A Model of Quantum-von Neumann  Hybrid Cellular Automata: Principles and simulation of quantum coherent superposition and decoherence in cytoskeletal microtubules.” In Quantum Information and Computation. (22-36). Rinton Press. 

Sanguinetti, J.L., Smith E., Allen, John J.B., Hameroff, S.  2014. “Human Brain Stimulation with Transcranial Ultrasound: Potential Applications for Mental Health.” In Bio electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine. (355-360; 2nd edition).  CRC Press.

Hameroff, S.  2014.  “Consciousness, Free Will and Quantum Brain Biology –The ‘Orch OR’ Theory.” In A. Corradini, U. Meixner, (Eds.), In Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. (99-134).Berlin: De Gruyter. 

Hameroff, S., Pylkkanen, P., & Gennaro, R.  2014.  ‘HOT to DOT’ – A ‘Deeper order thought’ theory of consciousness.” In Deepak Chopra, (Ed.),  In Brain, Mind, Cosmos: The Nature of Our Existence and the Universe.  (Chapter 15; Series Book 1),  Sages and Scientists [Kindle Edition]

Penrose, R., & Hameroff, S.R.  2011. “Consciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory.” (Vol. 14). Journal of Cosmology.

Hameroff, S.R.  2007. “That’s Life’ – The geometry of pi electron resonance clouds.”  In  D. Abbot,  P. Davies & A.K. Pati, (Eds.) In Quantum aspects of life. Biology. Imperial College Press.   

Hameroff, S.R.  2004. “Consciousness, neurobiology and quantum mechanics: The case for a connection.”  In Jack Tuszynski, (Ed.). The emerging physics of consciousness. Springer.

Hameroff, S. & Tuszynski, J.  2004 June. “Quantum states in proteins and protein assemblies.” Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Fluctuationa and Noise, Canary Islands.  

Hameroff, S.R., & Tuszynski,  J.  2003. “Search for quantum and classical modes of information processing in microtubules: Implications for the living state.” In Franco Musumeci & Mae-Wan Ho (Eds.), Bioenergetic organization in living systems. Singapore: World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.R.  2003. “Time, consciousness and quantum events in fundamental spacetime geometry.” In  R. Buccheri & M. Saniga (Eds.), The nature of time: Physicsgeometry and perceptionProceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop.

Hameroff, S.R.  2003. “Consciousness, Whitehead and quantum computation in the brain: Panprotopsychism meets the physics of fundamental spacetime geometry.” In M. Weber, (Ed.), Whitehead Process Network Compendium.

Hameroff, S.R., & Woolf N.J.  2002.  “Quantum consciousness: A cortical neural circuit,” In  Naoyuki Osaka, (Ed.),  Neural Basis of Consciousness.  (167-200) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.  

Hameroff, S.   2001.  “Biological feasibility of quantum approaches to consciousness – The Penrose-Hameroff  “Orch OR” model.”  In  Philip van Looke, (Ed.), The Physical Nature of Consciousness.  (1-61). John Benjamins.

Hameroff, S.R.  1999. “Anesthesia.” In J. Brockman (Ed.),  Greatest inventions of the past 2000 years. (94-98). Simon and Schuster.

Hameroff, S.R. 1998.  “Funda-Mental geometry: The Penrose-Hameroff “Orch OR” model of consciousness,” In Huggett N.S.A., Mason L.J., Tod K.P., Tsou S.T., & Woodhouse N.M.J. (Eds.),  The Geometric Universe – Science, geometry and the work of Roger Penrose.  (135-160).

Hameroff, S.R.  1998. “Did Consciousness Cause the Cambrian Evolutionary Explosion?”  In Hameroff, S.R, Kaszniak A.W.,  & Scott,  A.C., (Eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. (421-437). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S., Scott, A.  1998.  “A Sonoran Afternoon” – Discussion on the relevance of quantum theory to consciousness.” In Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. & Scott, A.C., (Eds.), (635-643). Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S.  1998. “More neural than thou (A reply to Patricia Churchland),”  In  Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. & Scott, A.C., (Eds.), (197-213). Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S.  1997.  “Consciousness Studies: An overview.” In Taddei-Ferretti,  C. , Musio, C., (Eds.), (3-13).  Neuronal and psychological aspects of consciousness. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics. (Vol. 8) – Biocybernetics. World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.  1997. “Quantum computing in microtubules: The Penrose-Hameroff  Orch OR Model,” In Taddei-Ferretti, C., Musio, C., (Eds.), (479-506).   Neuronal and psychological aspects of consciousness, Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics Vol 8 – Biocybernetics. World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.R.  1997.  “Quantum computing in microtubules: an intra-neural correlate of consciousness?”  In Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 4(3): 67-92).

Boswell, M.V., Hameroff, S.R., 1996.  “Theoretical mechanisms of general anesthesia,” In  VJ Collins (Ed.),  Principles of Anesthesiology, 3rd Edition, Volume 3: The Physiologic and Pharmacologic Basis of Anesthesia, Philadelphia:  Lea and Feiberger.  

Hameroff, S.R. 1996.  “Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium, Dallas, TX. 

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R.,  1996.  “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: a model for consciousness,” In  S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak &  A. Scott., (Eds.), (507-540). Toward a Science of Consciousness – The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A Model For Consciousness 1996.pdf

Louria, D., Hameroff, S.,  1996. “Computer simulation of anesthetic binding in protein hydrophobic pockets,” In S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak &  A. Scott., (Eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness – The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R. 1996. “Conscious events as orchestrated space-time selections,”  In D. Chalmers &  J. Shear (Eds.),   Explaining consciousness – the “hard problem” of conscious experience.

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R. 1995.  “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: a model for consciousness?” In  J. King and K. Pribram (Eds.), (243-274). Scales in Conscious Experience, Is the brain too important to be left to specialists to study?  Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hameroff, S.R., Polson, J.S., Watt, R.C.  1994. “Monitoring Anesthetic Depth,” In  C. Blitt, Churchill Livingstone (Eds.), Monitoring in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine- 3rd ed. (491-507). 

Pribram Karl, Hameroff SR, Koruga, Djuro. “Sub-Neural Mechanisms,” TSC Consciousness I, Tucson, Arizona, April 12-17, 1994.

Hameroff, S., Karampurwala, H., & Rasmussen, S., (Eds.), 1990. June; 17-21; 3:715-720).  “Adaptive behavior in sub-neural microtubule automata.” IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE Publisher.

Hameroff, S., Rasmussen, S., & Mansson, B. 1988.  “Molecular automata in microtubules: basic computational logic of the living state,” In  C. Langton, (Ed.),  (521-553). Artificial Life: SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity. New York: Addison-Wesley.


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Faculty Page, University of Arizona, Department of Anesthesiology, Banner-University Medical Center, Tucson, Arizona

Banner-University of Arizona, Science of Consciousness, Research Page


Anesthesiology, Anesthesia and Analgesia; Physica A; Medical Hypotheses; Bioessays; Trends in Cognitive Sciences (‘TICS’); Journal of Consciousness Studies; Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology; Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems; Proceedings A Royal Society.


BioSystems; Journal of Consciousness Studies (Assoc. Editor)


American Society of Anesthesiologists; Association of University Anesthesiologists; Society for Neuroscience; Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness


Hameroff, SR, Satsangi PS, & Sahni V. (Eds.) 2016. Consciousness: Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives. New Delhi: New Age Books.

Penrose, R, Hameroff SR, Stapp HP, Chopra D & Kak S. 2011. Consciousness and the Universe. Quantum PhysicsEvolution, Brain & Mind, Journal of Cosmology.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Chalmers D. (Eds.) 1999. Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Scott AC. (Eds.) 1998. Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Hameroff SR, Kaszniak AW & Scott AC. (Eds.) 1996. Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Koruga DL, Hameroff SR, Withers J, Loutfy R, & Sundareshan M. 1993. C60 Fullerene–From Nanobiology to Nanotechnology. Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.

Hameroff SR. 1987. Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and NanoTechnology. Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.  


Craddock, T.J., Kurian P., Tuszynski J.A., & Hameroff S.R. 2019.  “Quantum Processes in Neurophotonics and the Origin of the Brain’s Spatiotemporal Hierarchy.”  In R.R. Alfano & L. Shi (Eds.), In Neurophotonics and Biomedical Spectroscopy. (189-213). Elsevier, abstract

Hameroff, S.  (submitted)  “Quantum state reduction and consciousness – which comes first?”  In  Stanley Klein, Chris Cochran, Acacio de Barros & Carlos Montemayor (Eds.), In  Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics – The Work of Henry Stapp.  Springer

Hameroff, S. (2019 – in press)  “A brief history of consciousness.”  In On the Mystery of Being: Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality. Sand Anthology, New Harbinger Publications.

Hameroff, S., & Penrose R. 2016. “Consciousness in the Universe: An Updated Review of the “Orch OR” Theory.”  In  R. Poznanski, J.A. Tuszynski, & T.E. Feinberg, (Eds.), In The Biophysics of ConsciousnessA Foundational Approach. (517-599; Chap. 14). World Scientific.  ch-14_revised-2-3 .pdf

Craddock, T., Hameroff, S., Tuszynski, J.A.  2016.  “The “Quantum Underground”: Where Life and Consciousness Originate.” In   R. Poznanski, J.A.Tuszynski, T.E. Feinberg, (Eds.), In The Biophysics of Consciousness – Foundational Approaches. (Chap. 13), World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.  2016. “The Quantum Origin of Life – How the brain evolved to feel good.”  In M. Tabeyranc &       F. Ayala (Eds.),  On Human Nature. Academic Press.

Satsangi, P.S., Hameroff, S. & Sahni, V.  2016.  “Does Consciousness Guide the Universe?” In Consciousness: Integrating Eastern andWestern Perspectives. (351-373; Sec. 2) New Age Books.

Ebner, M., & Hameroff, S.  2015  “Modeling Figure/Ground Separation with a ‘Mobile Zone’ of Laterally-Connected Spiking  Neurons,” In Irena Roterman-Konieczna, (Ed.), In Simulation in Medicine: Preclinical and Clinical Approach. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Alfonseca, A, Ortega, M de la Cruz, Hameroff, S.R. & Lahoz-Beltra, R.  2015.  “A Model of Quantum-von Neumann  Hybrid Cellular Automata: Principles and simulation of quantum coherent superposition and decoherence in cytoskeletal microtubules.” In Quantum Information and Computation. (22-36). Rinton Press. 

Sanguinetti, J.L., Smith E., Allen, John J.B., Hameroff, S.  2014. “Human Brain Stimulation with Transcranial Ultrasound: Potential Applications for Mental Health.” In Bio electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine. (355-360; 2nd edition).  CRC Press.

Hameroff, S.  2014.  “Consciousness, Free Will and Quantum Brain Biology –The ‘Orch OR’ Theory.” In A. Corradini, U. Meixner, (Eds.), In Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. (99-134).Berlin: De Gruyter. 

Hameroff, S., Pylkkanen, P., & Gennaro, R.  2014.  ‘HOT to DOT’ – A ‘Deeper order thought’ theory of consciousness.” In Deepak Chopra, (Ed.),  In Brain, Mind, Cosmos: The Nature of Our Existence and the Universe.  (Chapter 15; Series Book 1),  Sages and Scientists [Kindle Edition]

Penrose, R., & Hameroff, S.R.  2011. “Consciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory.” (Vol. 14). Journal of Cosmology.

Hameroff, S.R.  2007. “That’s Life’ – The geometry of pi electron resonance clouds.”  In  D. Abbot,  P. Davies & A.K. Pati, (Eds.) In Quantum aspects of life. Biology. Imperial College Press.   

Hameroff, S.R.  2004. “Consciousness, neurobiology and quantum mechanics: The case for a connection.”  In Jack Tuszynski, (Ed.). The emerging physics of consciousness. Springer.

Hameroff, S. & Tuszynski, J.  2004 June. “Quantum states in proteins and protein assemblies.” Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Fluctuationa and Noise, Canary Islands.  

Hameroff, S.R., & Tuszynski,  J.  2003. “Search for quantum and classical modes of information processing in microtubules: Implications for the living state.” In Franco Musumeci & Mae-Wan Ho (Eds.), Bioenergetic organization in living systems. Singapore: World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.R.  2003. “Time, consciousness and quantum events in fundamental spacetime geometry.” In  R. Buccheri & M. Saniga (Eds.), The nature of time: Physicsgeometry and perceptionProceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop.

Hameroff, S.R.  2003. “Consciousness, Whitehead and quantum computation in the brain: Panprotopsychism meets the physics of fundamental spacetime geometry.” In M. Weber, (Ed.), Whitehead Process Network Compendium.

Hameroff, S.R., & Woolf N.J.  2002.  “Quantum consciousness: A cortical neural circuit,” In  Naoyuki Osaka, (Ed.),  Neural Basis of Consciousness.  (167-200) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.  

Hameroff, S.   2001.  “Biological feasibility of quantum approaches to consciousness – The Penrose-Hameroff  “Orch OR” model.”  In  Philip van Looke, (Ed.), The Physical Nature of Consciousness.  (1-61). John Benjamins.

Hameroff, S.R.  1999. “Anesthesia.” In J. Brockman (Ed.),  Greatest inventions of the past 2000 years. (94-98). Simon and Schuster.

Hameroff, S.R. 1998.  “Funda-Mental geometry: The Penrose-Hameroff “Orch OR” model of consciousness,” In Huggett N.S.A., Mason L.J., Tod K.P., Tsou S.T., & Woodhouse N.M.J. (Eds.),  The Geometric Universe – Science, geometry and the work of Roger Penrose.  (135-160).

Hameroff, S.R.  1998. “Did Consciousness Cause the Cambrian Evolutionary Explosion?”  In Hameroff, S.R, Kaszniak A.W.,  & Scott,  A.C., (Eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. (421-437). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S., Scott, A.  1998.  “A Sonoran Afternoon” – Discussion on the relevance of quantum theory to consciousness.” In Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. & Scott, A.C., (Eds.), (635-643). Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S.  1998. “More neural than thou (A reply to Patricia Churchland),”  In  Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. & Scott, A.C., (Eds.), (197-213). Toward a Science of Consciousness II – The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S.  1997.  “Consciousness Studies: An overview.” In Taddei-Ferretti,  C. , Musio, C., (Eds.), (3-13).  Neuronal and psychological aspects of consciousness. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics. (Vol. 8) – Biocybernetics. World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.  1997. “Quantum computing in microtubules: The Penrose-Hameroff  Orch OR Model,” In Taddei-Ferretti, C., Musio, C., (Eds.), (479-506).   Neuronal and psychological aspects of consciousness, Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics Vol 8 – Biocybernetics. World Scientific.

Hameroff, S.R.  1997.  “Quantum computing in microtubules: an intra-neural correlate of consciousness?”  In Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 4(3): 67-92).

Boswell, M.V., Hameroff, S.R., 1996.  “Theoretical mechanisms of general anesthesia,” In  VJ Collins (Ed.),  Principles of Anesthesiology, 3rd Edition, Volume 3: The Physiologic and Pharmacologic Basis of Anesthesia, Philadelphia:  Lea and Feiberger.  

Hameroff, S.R. 1996.  “Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium, Dallas, TX. 

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R.,  1996.  “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: a model for consciousness,” In  S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak &  A. Scott., (Eds.), (507-540). Toward a Science of Consciousness – The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A Model For Consciousness 1996.pdf

Louria, D., Hameroff, S.,  1996. “Computer simulation of anesthetic binding in protein hydrophobic pockets,” In S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak &  A. Scott., (Eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness – The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R. 1996. “Conscious events as orchestrated space-time selections,”  In D. Chalmers &  J. Shear (Eds.),   Explaining consciousness – the “hard problem” of conscious experience.

Hameroff, S., Penrose, R. 1995.  “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: a model for consciousness?” In  J. King and K. Pribram (Eds.), (243-274). Scales in Conscious Experience, Is the brain too important to be left to specialists to study?  Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hameroff, S.R., Polson, J.S., Watt, R.C.  1994. “Monitoring Anesthetic Depth,” In  C. Blitt, Churchill Livingstone (Eds.), Monitoring in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine- 3rd ed. (491-507). 

Pribram Karl, Hameroff SR, Koruga, Djuro. “Sub-Neural Mechanisms,” TSC Consciousness I, Tucson, Arizona, April 12-17, 1994.

Hameroff, S., Karampurwala, H., & Rasmussen, S., (Eds.), 1990. June; 17-21; 3:715-720).  “Adaptive behavior in sub-neural microtubule automata.” IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE Publisher.

Hameroff, S., Rasmussen, S., & Mansson, B. 1988.  “Molecular automata in microtubules: basic computational logic of the living state,” In  C. Langton, (Ed.),  (521-553). Artificial Life: SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity. New York: Addison-Wesley.


Orch OR

Hameroff, S.  Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton - A New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience.  Hameroff S. Front Mol Neurosci. 2022 Jun 16;15:869935.
‘Orch OR’ is the most complete, and most easily falsifiable theory of consciousness.  Hameroff, Stuart. 2020. Cognitive Neuroscience, Published online: 24 Nov 2020.  
Kalra, Aarat P, Hameroff, S, Tuszynski, J,  Dogariu, A. “Anesthetic Gas Effects on Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules – Testing the Orch OR Theory of Consciousness.” 2020, OSF  ​August 21.
Editorial Views. “Anesthetic action and ‘quantum consciousness: A match made in olive oil.” Hameroff, SR., 2018. Anesthesiology, 8(129):228-231
Craddock TJA, Kurian P, Preto J, Sahu K, Hameroff SR, Klobukowski M, Tuszynski JA. Scientific Report, 2017, August. Anesthetic Alterations of Collective Terahertz Oscillations in Tubulin Correlate with Clinical Potency: Implications for Anesthetic Action and Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction.


Hameroff, S., Newswise, September 5, 2017, Consciousness Depends on Tubulin Vibrations Inside Neurons, Anesthesia Study Suggests.  Anesthetic alterations of collective terahertz oscillations in tubulin correlate with clinical potency: Implications for anesthetic action and post-operative cognitive dysfunction. See: Craddock TJA, Kurian P, Preto J, Sahu K, Hameroff SR, Klobukowski M, Tuszynski JA. In Scientific Reports   Craddock, TJA, Hameroff SR, AT Ayoub AT, Klobukowski M,Tuszynski JA, Anesthetics Act in Quantum in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 15 (6), 523-33.
Hameroff, Stuart R., Penrose, Roger, Chapter 14, eds. Roman R. Poznanski, Jack A. Tuszynski, Todd E. Feinberg, World Scientific, 2016. Consciousness in the Universe: An Updated Review of the "Orch OR" Theory, in Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach.
Hameroff, S.  “Change the Music: Psychotherapy and Brain Vibrations.” The Neuropsychotherapist  2016. Vol 4(4). 31-35.  pdf
Craddock, Travis J.A., Stuart R. Hameroff, Ahmed T. Ayoub, Mariusz Klobukowski, & Jack A. Tuszynski. “Anesthetics act in quantum channels in brain microtubules to prevent consciousness.”  Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2015 Vol 15:6, 523-533
Hameroff, S., Commentary on Stuart Kauffman's Quantum Criticality at the Origins of Life in John Hewitt's Quantum Criticality in Life's Proteins (update),, Apr 15, 2015.
Craddock, Travis John Adrian, Douglas Friesen, Jonathan Mane, Stuart Hameroff, &    Jack A. Tuszynski. “The Feasibility of Coherent Energy Transfer in Microtubules.” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2014 11(100).
Hameroff, S.R., Craddock T.J.,  & Tuszynski J.A.  Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness.  J Integr Neurosci. 13 June 2014 (2):229-52.
Hameroff, S., Comment on  L Turin et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., “Electron spin change during general anesthesia.”   Aug. 11, 2014
Response Hameroff to L. Turin et al., 2014. Re Hadlington, Simon. “Knock-out theory puts new spin on general anaesthesia.”  ChemistryWorld Review.  12 August,
Ref: Citation in Luca Turin et al. 2014 “Electron spin changes during general anesthesia in Drosophilia. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,10.1073/ PNAS 1404387111. 26 April,
Ref:  Hameroff, SR. 2006. “The entwined mysteries of anesthesia and consciousness: Is there a common underlying mechanism?” Anesthesiology 105(2):400–412.
Hameroff, S., & Roger Penrose "Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory." Physics of Life Reviews, 2014 March 11(1):39-78.
A Review by Elsevier,  PhysOrg.  Discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ corroborates theory of consciousness. 16 January 2014.
Reply to Seven Commentaries on “Consciousness in the Universe: Review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory”  Hameroff, S., & Penrose R. 2014 Physics of Life Reviews, 11:94–100.
Hameroff, S., & Penrose, R., Reply to Criticism of the ‘Orch OR qubit’ – Orchestrated objective reduction is scientifically justified.” Physics of Life Reviews, 2014 11(1):104-112.
Hameroff, Stuart, Consciousness, Microtubules and “Orch-OR”: A ‘Space-time’ Odyssey, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Imprint Academic. 2014 Vol 21, 3-4,126-153.
Hameroff, S., Quantum walks in brain microtubules-a biomolecular basis for quantum cognition?  Top Cogn Sci., 2014 January; 6(1):91-7
Hameroff, SR.  Quantum mathematical cognition requires quantum brain biology: the “Orch OR” theory.  Behav Brain Sci, 2013. June; 36(3):287-90.
Comment by Hameroff, S. on: A Tale of Two Fields: “Dissipation of ‘dark energy’ by cortex in knowledge retrieval” by Capolupo, Freeman and Vitiello. Phys Life Rev. 2013 March; 10(1):95-6; discussion 112-6.
Hameroff, S Trakas M, Duffield C, Annabi E, Gerace MB, Boyle P, Lucas A, Amos Q, Buadu A, Badal JJ,  Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: a pilot study, Brain Stimul, 2013; May;6(3):409-15.
Hameroff, S., How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will.  Front Integr Neurosci, 2012; 6:93,  Oct 12.
Craddock TJ, St. George Marc, Freedman Holly, Barakat Khaled, Damaraju Sambasivarao, Hameroff Stuart, Tuszynski Jack A.  Computational Predictions of Volatile Anesthetic Interactions with the Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Implications for Side Effects of General Anesthesia. , PLoS One, 2012; June 25.
Hameroff S., Quantum brain biology complements neuronal assembly approaches to consciousness: Comment on "Consciousness, biology and quantum hypotheses" by Baars and Edelman. Phys Life Rev. 2012 Sep;9(3):303-5; discussion 306-7.
Craddock T, Tuszynski J, & Hameroff S.  Cytoskeletal Signaling: Is Memory Encoded in Microtubule Lattices by CaMKII Phosphorylation?  PLoS Comput Biology, 2012; March 8.
Craddock TJ, Tuszynski JA, Chopra D, Casey N, Goldstein LE, Hameroff SR, Tanzi RE, The Zinc Dyshomeostasis Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease, PLoS One, 2012; Mar 23 7(3).
Penrose, R., & Hameroff, S.R.  “Consciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory.” Journal of Cosmology, 2011, Vol 14.


Hameroff, S.  Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton - A New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience.  Hameroff S. Front Mol Neurosci. 2022 Jun 16;15:869935.  
Aminpour M, Hameroff S, Tuszynski JA.  How COVID-19 Hijacks the Cytoskeleton: Therapeutic Implications.  2022.  Life  (Basel).  May 30;12(6):814.
Hameroff, S., Anesthetic action and ‘quantum consciousness’ – A match made in olive oil.  Anesthesiology, 2018,  129(2):228-2312.
Penrose, R., & Hameroff, S.R.  Anesthetic alterations of collective terahertz oscillations in tubulin correlate with clinical potency: Implications for anesthetic action and post-operative cognitive dysfunction, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1), 9877
TJA Craddock, SR Hameroff, JA Tuszynski, “Quantum Underground”: Where life and consciousness originate. Ch 13 pp 459-515 In Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach, October 2016, Eds, R. Poznanski, JA Tuszynski, TE Feinberg.
Craddock, TJA, Hameroff SR, AT Ayoub AT, Klobukowski M,Tuszynski JA, Anesthetics Act in Quantum in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 15 (6), 523-533.
Travis J. A. Craddock, Stuart R. Hameroff, Ahmed T. Ayoub, Mariusz Klobukowski and Jack A. TuszynskiAnesthetics Act in Quantum Channels in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 15, 6, March 2015, pp. 523-533(11) 
DOI: 10.2174/1568026615666150225104543
Craddock TJ, Friesen D, Mane J, Hameroff S & Tuszynski JA. The feasibility of coherent energy transfer in microtubules. J R Soc Interface. 2014 Nov 6;11(100):20140677
Hameroff SR, Craddock TJ, Tuszynski JA. Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness. J Integr Neurosci. 2014, Jun;13(2):229-52.
Hameroff, S., Quantum walks in brain microtubules–a biomolecular basis for quantum cognition? Top Cogn Sci. 2014, Jan; 6(1):91-7.doi:10.1111/tops.12068.Epub, 2014 Nov 21.
Stuart Hameroff, Michael Trakas, Chris Duffield, Emil Annabi, M. Bagambhrini Gerace, Patrick Boyle, Anthony Lucas, Quinlan Amos, Annemarie Buadu, John J. Badal. Transcranial Ultrasound (TUS) Effects on Mental States: A Pilot Study. Brain Stimulation, 2013; 6 (3): 409 DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2012.05.002.
Hameroff, S.  How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, Oct 12, 2012.
Craddock Travis JA, Tuszynski Jack A & Hameroff Stuart.  Cytoskeletal Signaling: Is Memory Encoded in Microtubule Lattices by CaMKII Phosphorylation? PLoS Computational Biology, 2012; 8 (3): e1002421 DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002421.
Hameroff, S., Comment on: Comment on “Consciousness, biology and quantum hypotheses” in Quantum brain biology complements neuronal assembly approaches to consciousness by Baars and Edelman, S. Hameroff, Sci Direct, 2012; 11 July.
Craddock TJ, St George M, Freedman H, Barakat KH, Damaraju S, Hameroff S & Tuszynski JA. Computational predictions of volatile anesthetic interactions with the microtubule cytoskeleton: implications for side effects of general anesthesia. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e37251.
Craddock Travis JA, Tuszynski Jack A, Chopra Deepak, Casey Noel, Goldstein Lee E,  Hameroff Stuart R, Tanzi Rudolph E., Cheng-Xin Gong, Editor.  The Zinc Dyshomeostasis Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS One, 2012
Stuart R. Hameroff, M.D., The Entwined Mysteries of Anesthesia and Consciousness: Is There a Common Underlying Mechanism? Anesthesiology 2006, August Vol.105, 400-412.
Hameroff, S., Anesthesia, consciousness and hydrophobic pockets – a unitary quantum hypothesis of anesthetic action, Toxicology Letters, 1998, Volumes 100–101, 23, Pages 31-39, November 1998.
Davis TP, Veggeberg SK, Hameroff SR, Watts KL. Sensitive and quantitative determination of plasma doxepin and desmethyldoxepin in chronic pain patients by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr. 1983, Apr 8;273(2):436.
Hameroff SR, Otto CW, Kanel J, Weinstein PR, Blitt CD., Acute cardiovascular effects of dimethyl sulfoxide. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1983; 411:94-9.
Calkins JM, Waterson CK, Hameroff SR., J. Kanel. Jet pulse characteristics in high frequency jet ventilation in dogs. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1982; 6l:293-300.
Hameroff SR, Watt RC. Information processing in microtubules. J Theor Biol, 1982; 98:549-56l.
Hameroff, S. R.; Watt, R. C.; Borel, J. D.; Carlson, G. General Anesthetics Directly Inhibit Electron Mobility: Dipole Dispersion Theory of Anesthetic Action. Physiol. Chem. Phys., 1982, 14, 183–187.
Hameroff SR, Waterson CK, Calkins JM, Kanel JS. High frequency alternating lung ventilation. Anesthesiology, 1981; 54:237-239.
Hameroff SR, Carlson GC, Brown, Jr BR. Ilioinguinal pain syndrome. Pain, 1981; l0:253-7.
Hameroff SR, Crago BR, Blitt CD, Womble J, Kanel JS. Comparison of bupivacaine, etidocaine, and saline for trigger-point therapy. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1981; 60:752-755.
Blitt CD, Carlson GL, Rolling GD, Hameroff SR, Otto CW. A comparative evaluation of pretreatment with nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers prior to the administration of succinylcholine. Anesthesiology. 1981 Dec;55(6):687-9.
Hameroff SR, Otto CW, Kanel J, Weinstein PR, Blitt CD. Acute cardiovascular effects of dimethylsulfoxide. Crit Care Med. 1981 Dec;9(12):855-7.
Bentley JV, Hameroff SR. Diffuse reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Anesthesiology, 1980;      53:256-257.
Stiffel P, Hameroff SR, Blitt CD and Cork R. Variability in assessment of neuromuscular blockade. Anesthesiology, 1980; 52:436-437.
Reynolds AF Jr, Hameroff SR, Blitt CD, Roberts WL, Spinal subdural epiarachnoid hematoma: a complication of a novel epidural blood patch technique. Anesth Analg. 1980 Sep;59(9):702-3.
Stiffel P, Hameroff SR. A modified technique for transtracheal anesthesia. Anesthesiology, 1979; 5l: 274-275.
Chvapil M, Hameroff SR, O’Dea K, Peacock EE. Local anesthetics and wound healing. Journal of Surgical Research, 1979; 27:367-71.


Anesthetic Action


Penrose, Sir Roger and Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. Consciousness and the Physics of the Brain.  The Qualcomm Institute. Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine - Roth Auditorium - La Jolla, CA.  January 10, 2020.  


Conferences TSC 2016 
Horgan, John  Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research, Part 4 2016 - On his last day at a consciousness conference, a reporter spots a white rabbit and discovers the solution to the mind–body problem. May 14.
Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research, Part 1
Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research, Part 2
Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research, Part 3
Hameroff, S.  Newswise – Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’  March 23, 2015.
Chopra, D., Hameroff S.  'Darwin Versus Deepak': Which Came First, Feelings, or the Brain?  June 2, 2015 Huff Post.
Burkeman, Oliver.  Why Can't The World's Greatest Minds Solve  the Mystery of Consciousness?  The Guardian, Jan 21, 2015.
The Guardian's Audio -  Long Read 2015 http://http/
INSERT.  PDF of Japanese Magazine for item below 
DEATH IN A QUANTUM SPACE. ハメロフ博士の. 世界一ぶっとんだ死の話. 意識と「量子もつれ」と不滅の魂. 人がその生をまっとうし、肉体が生命活動を終え ...​
Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Earth Changes Media w/ Mitch Battros 2014, Sept 23.
Sages & Scientists Symposium, August 22-24, 2014, Carlsbad.
Hadlington, Simon. Knock-out theory puts new spin on general anaesthesia, Chemistry World Review, Aug 12, 2014.
Hadlington, Simon, Chemistry World, August 13, 2014. Electron Theft, Not Drug Effects, May Be How Anesthesia Knocks People Out, Scientific American.
Palmer, Roxanne, Anesthesia’s Electric Effects? World Science Festival, Aug 11, 2014.
Dvorsky, George.  Why Anesthesia Is One of the Greatest Medical Mysteries of Our Time, Daily Explainer/, June 19, 2014.
Anesthetics are fairly selective, erasing consciousness while sparing non-conscious brain activity,” Hameroff told io9. “So the precise mechanism of anesthetic action should point to the mechanism for consciousness.” more
Elsevier. Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Science Daily, Jan 16, 2014.
Good Vibrations:’ Brain Ultrasound Improves Mood, Science Daily, May 15, 2013.
Post Anesthesia Dementia, like Alzheimer’s, Looks Micro-‘Tubular’, Science Daily, June 27, 2012.
Scientists claim brain memory code cracked, Science Daily, March 9, 2012.
Despite a century of research, memory encoding in the brain has remained mysterious. Neuronal synaptic connection strengths are involved, but synaptic components are short-lived while memories last … full story.
INSERT hameroff's commentary to Carhart Harris
Turning consciousness upside down: Magic mushrooms and the fractal brain hierarchy – Commentary on:  Carhart-Harris et al (2012). Neural correlates of the psychedelic state as determined by fMRI studies with psilocybin. Biological Sciences. Jan 23, 2012.

Additional – Sir Roger Penrose
Hameroff S., Penrose R.  Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Phys Life Rev, Mar 11(1):39-78. (2014). pdf. – PhysOrg. Discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ corroborates theory of consciousness. 16 Jan 2014.
Penrose, R. Introduction: science at the turn of the millennium, Roger Penrose, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A: 1999 357 3197-3203; DOI: 10.1098/rsta.1999.0489. Published 1 Dec. 1999.
Penrose R. Quantum computation entanglement and state reduction Phil Trans R Soc Lond 1998.pdf
Hameroff S, Penrose, R. Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules. In: Toward a Science of Consciousness – The First Tucson Discussions and Debates, Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. and Scott, A.C., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1996. 507-540.
Penrose R, Shadows of the Mind, 1994. Oxford University Press. 1994.
Penrose R, The Emperor’s New Mind. Oxford University Press. 1989.
R. Penrose, "Gravitational Collapse and Space-Time Singularities," Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 57 (1965).
R. Penrose, "Asymptotic Properties of Fields and Space-Times," Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 66 (1963).



Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole
From left, Stuart Hameroff, mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose and Google researcher Hartmut Neven speak at TSC 5-10 June, 2017 Science of Consciousness conference. photos by Brad Buhr


July 18, 2022Psychology Today. Theories suggested by Stuart R. Hameroff, MD, professor emeritus in the College of Medicine – Tucson, are cited in this story on consciousness and the quantum mind.…

Collapsing a theory of quantum consciousness? Part 2 Brian Keating, Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose
What is Consciousness   Part 1 Brian Keating, Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose

Conscious Chronicles 4 - Science of Consciousness, Tucson. April 2022 Interviews 

The Science of Consciousness Conference April 2022 hybrid

2022  Session VIDEOS  - TSC-CCS YouTube Channel


2022 TSC  Conscious Pictures Guest Speakers, Interviews  


Science & Sir Roger Penrose Symposium 2021 virtual 


2021 Science & Roger Penrose 2021 

VIDEO: Symposium Sessions  

Intro Reel in celebration of Roger Penrose 2021 


The Science of Consciousness Conference 2020 virtual

2020   TSC Online Conference Sessions 


Opening "Welcome"  Reel for Tucson Online 2020

Retro Mix - TSC Over the Years...(Abi’s) 2020

Penrose, Sir Roger and Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation.  Consciousness and the Physics of the Brain.   The Qualcomm Institute. Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine - Roth Auditorium - La Jolla, CA.  January 10, 2020.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. The Science of Consciousness. Interlaken, Switzerland. June 25-28, 2019. Plenary 9 – Quantum Brain. ” Do Consciousness, Anesthetic Action and EEG All Derive from Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules? YouTube
Hameroff, Stuart Keynote Speaker, ‘Consciousness in the Universe’ at the conference: Consciousness in Science, Jan18-20, 2019 Gainesville, Florida, hosted by the Bhaktivedanta Institute and University of Florida at Gainesville.  
Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. Is Your Brain Really a Computer? Sand Conference, 2019.
Hameroff, Stuart. The Science of Consciousness. Presentation. Sand Conference 2019.

‘Science on Screen’ Presenter, ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’. Loft Cinema, March 20, 2019. Tucson.

The Science of Consciousness TSC-2018, Tucson, Arizona, April 2-7, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart with Sir Roger Penrose. “Quantum computing and Orch OR.” Invited Speakers, Google Quantum AI Laboratory, Silicon Valley, CA, Dec. 17, 2018.

Markets Business Insider, Global Zen Consciousness and Future of AI Robotics,  Interview with Stuart Hameroff, Guest Speaker The inaugural Global Zen Consciousness Conference (GZC) documentary production organized by Shaolin Chan Foundation (SCF) produced by Shaolin Institute (IS) and DeRu Media (DRM) held in Atlanta, GA. Oct 22, 2018

The Wright Show, Host: Robert Wright, Quantum Consciousness, Stuart Hameroff, video interview ( June 25, 2018.

Volk, Steve. Down the Quantum Rabbit Hole, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, Discover, Feb. 22, 2018.  

Ratner, Paul. Why a “genius” scientist thinks our consciousness originates at the quantum level,  Interview with Stuart Hameroff, Big Think, Jan. 15, 2018.

Hameroff, Stuart. 2nd Workshop on Biological Mentality, Plenary Speaker. Center for the Physics of Living Systems, Michigan Tech University, Ann Arbor, MI, Sept. 25, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart with Sir Roger Penrose. “Biological feasibility of quantum computing and Orch OR.” Singularity University, Invited Speakers, Silicon Valley, Aug. 7, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. Quantum Activism. Europe conference, Keynote Speaker, Bologna, Italy,  July 26, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. Anesthetic action links consciousness to quantum vibrations. CalTech. June 11, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart Caltech presentation, Anesthetic action links consciousness to quantum vibrations, June 11, 2018
Hameroff, Stuart R. “Do anesthetics prevent consciousness by dampening quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons?” Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA), Chicago, IL, Apr. 27-28, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Quantum pan-protopsychism – A scientific approach to the hard problem.” Plenary speaker, The Science of Consciousness 2018, Tucson, Arizona and “Idealism and Panpsychism” Tucson, Arizona, Apr. 6, 2018. link
Hameroff, Stuart. The Enigma of Human Consciousness, Symposium, Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics+Aesthetic, Lucerne, Switzerland, Jan. 20, 2018.

Sand 2018 



Hameroff S., Darwin Versus Deepak, Which Came First, Feelings or the Brain? Huff Post, June 2, 2015 updated Dec. 6, 2017.

Brown, William. Confirmation of Quantum Resonance in Brain Microtubules, Resonance Science Foundation, feature posted on February 6, 2017

Newswise – Consciousness Depends on Tubulin Vibrations Inside Neurons Anesthesia Study Suggests in Nature, Aug 29 2017.

East West, The Middle West, Dialogue with the Dalai Lama, A recent conversation with Russian scientists and HHDL, New Delhi, India. Aug. 7-8, 2017.

Mishlove, Jeffrey.New Thinking Allowed, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, ‘The Hard Problem of Consciousness’ July 8, 2017. Consciousness and the Brain – 6-part series.

Ball, Philip. The Strange Link Between the Human Mind and Physics, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, BBC, Feb.16, 2017.

Hameroff, Stuart. “How anesthesia selectively blocks consciousness.” Guest Lecture, Annual Cognitive Science Conclave, University of Arizona/Arizona State University, Tucson, Arizona, Dec. 2, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. Anesthesia, Consciousness, Bohm and Penrose (EmQM17), University of London, UK – posted Oct 2020 - Emergent Quantum Mechanics October 26-28, 2017 –Towards Ontology of Quantum Mechanics and the Conscious Agent, David Bohm Centennial Symposium, 4th International Symposium on Quantum Mechanics based on a “Deeper Level Theory”, Sponsored by Fetzer Franklin Fund.
Hameroff, Stuart – Science of Consciousness, Sand 2019;  (Quantum Consciousness and its nature in Microtubules) 
-Hameroff, Stuart. What is a theory of consciousness for? Sand Conference, 2018.
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, “Consciousness and the Anthropic Principle: Is Consciousness Driving the Universe.” Sages and Scientists, San Diego, 2017.  link
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, ‘Consciousness and the Anthropic Principle: Is Consciousness Driving the Universe’, Sages and Scientists, San Diego, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Does blue light deep in the brain mediate consciousness?” Keynote Speaker, Quantum and Nanosystems Computing and Applications Conference, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Systems Engineering Society, Agra, India, Nov. 21, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, Inaugural Lecture: “Consciousness and rhythms of the universe.” International Institute for Invincible Rhythms, Shimla, India, Nov. 19, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Guest Lecture: “Does blue light deep in the brain mediate consciousness?” National Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India. Nov. 14, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Guest Speaker, “The Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR theory – Current status.” Physics Seminar: University of Oxford, Oxford UK, Nov. 1, 2017.
Stuart Hameroff, Guest Lecture UCL “Neuroscience: ‘Anesthesia and consciousness.” University College, London UK Oct 31, 2017.
Stuart Hameroff, Guest Lecture: “Is quantum physics necessary to understand consciousness?” Sackler Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Sussex, UK, Oct. 30, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Lecture: “Anesthesia, C, Bohm and Penrose.” David Bohm Centennial Symposium, University of London, Oct. 28, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is consciousness guiding the universe? – Further Reaches of Consciousness Research.” The Scientific & Network presents, Beyond the Brain XII, Regents University, London UK, Oct. 28-29, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. TSC 2017 – Plenary Speaker. The Science of Consciousness, ‘The ‘Quantum pleasure principle – Did life evolve to feel good?’ June 10, 2017;  ‘Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness’, San Diego, California, Plenary 13 -video
Hameroff, Stuart. The Science of Consciousness, hosted by the Center for Consciousness Studies (University of Arizona), San Diego, California, June 5-10, 2017. East-West Forum: Hameroff, S. “Is consciousness driving the universe.” June 5, 2017; Quantum Biology workshop, “Update on Orch OR theory.” Presenter, June 6, 2017, Hameroff, Stuart with  J. Craddock, J. Tuszynski, Anirban Bandyopadhyay; Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. ‘The “Quantum pleasure principle – Did life evolve to feel good?” June 10, 2017;  ‘Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness’, San Diego, California, Plenary 13 -video
Hameroff, S. “Consciousness in the Universe – The ‘Orch OR’ theory’.” Invited Speaker, Institute ‘The Infinite Consciousness Conference’, Hosted/Invited by Ervin Laszlo, July 16-17, 2017, Bagni di Lucca, Italy.
Hameroff, S. “The “quantum pleasure principle- Did life evolve to feel good?” The Scientific & Medical Network, London UK, June 21, 2017.
Hameroff, Stuart. Invited Speaker, “The molecular mechanisms of general anesthesia and consciousness”. Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. Hosted/Invited by Jean-Pierre Changeux, March 8, 2017.


Chopra, D. Is Your Brain Really a Computer or a Quantum Orchestra, Contributor Stuart Hameroff, HuffPost, July 8, 2016.

More Rational Than Thou, D Chopra on Orch OR – An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins and Michael Shermer, HuffPost, June 5, 2016.

Hameroff, Stuart. “Octave Forum on Consciousness, The ‘Living Room’.” Invited Speaker, Hosted/Invited by Julian Chang,  Hangzhou, China, Shanghai, China, Dec. 9, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. The Science of Consciousness’  Invited Speaker, Orient Forum – campus-wide lecture, Zhejiang University, Hosted/Invited by Hengwei Li, Hangzhou, China. Dec. 8, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is quantum physics necessary to account for consciousness?” Invited Speaker, Workshop on Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics, Zhejiang University,Hosted/Invited by Hengwei Li, Hangzhou, China. Dec. 6, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart, “The Meyer-Overton quantum underground accounts for biological quantum coherence’ Forum on Quantum Biology.” Invited Speaker, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba University, Invited/Hosted by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Tsukuba, Japan, Dec. 2, 2016.

Sand 2016

Hameroff, Stuart. ‘Is quantum physics necessary to explain consciousness?’ Invited Speaker,  Hosted/Invited by Anton Kuznetsov, Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy Center for Consciousness Studies, Moscow, Russian Federation, Oct. 11, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Quantum Basis of Consciousness.” Keynote Speaker, 10th Biennial European Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Sigtuna Foundation, Hosted/Invited by Hans Liljenstrom, Sigtuna, Sweden, Oct. 13-15, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “The ‘Meyer-Overton quantum underground’ accounts for biological quantum coherence.” Invited Speaker, Hosted/Invited by Anders Hedberg, Upsalla University Angstrom Lab, Symposium on Quantum Biology,  Uppsala, Sweden, Oct. 12, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. “Is quantum physics necessary to explain consciousness?” Invited Speaker,  Hosted/Invited by Anton Kuznetsov, Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy Center for Consciousness Studies, Moscow, Russian Federation, Oct. 11, 2016.  link
Yandex (‘Russian Google’) public lecture, Hosted/Invited by Tatiana Ginzburg,”The Science of Consciousness.” Oct. 11, 2016.
11th Annual Water Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, Hosted/Invited by Gerald Pollack, S. Hameroff, “Polar and non-polar (quantum) regulation of protein dynamics.” Oct. 6-9, 2016.
Stanford University, Center for the Explanation of Consciousness, Department of Philosophy ‘Radway Workshop’, Hosted/Invited by Paul Skokowski, August 26, 2016, “The ‘Orch OR’ theory of consciousness as quantum computation in brain microtubules: Status and update after 20 years.”  Fall/Summer Radway Workshops 2016, Stanford, CA – Aug. 26, 2016.
Fall/Summer Radway Workshops 2016, Stanford, CA – Aug. 26, 2016.
Hameroff, Stuart. ‘Is quantum physics necessary to understand consciousness? Invited Speaker, Russian House, hosted/invited by Tatiana Ginzburg, Jenner, California, July 31, 2016. Link
Google Sci-Foo Camp, Google campus, Mountain View, California Invited Speaker, July 22-24, 2016 – a) Lightning talk – ‘Good vibrations – Tuning the brain with transcranial ultrasound’ b) ‘Quantum physics and consciousness’ (session on the future of physics with Max Tegmark and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek)
Quantum Interactions Conference (QI 2016), July 20-22, San Francisco State University,”Is Chomsky’s structure of language encoded in microtubules?” July 20-22, 2016
Quantum consciousness, A new Paradigm in Consciousness microtubules, Bagni di Lucca, Italy. host Betsy Pool, The Institute for the Mythology of Humanity. 16-17 July 2016 – filmed during the Infinite Consciousness Conference hosted by Ervin Laszlo Institute
The Science of Consciousness 2016, Tucson, Arizona, Plenary Lecture, Five Roads to Consciousness. Stuart Hameroff, “The Road Within: Orch OR and the Quantum Underground.” Apr. 26, 2016 – Hameroff, Stuart. Quantum Biology, Workshop, with Stuart Kauffman, Jack A. Tuszynski, Katherine T. Peil, Travis Craddock, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Dean Radin), Tucson, Arizona, Apr. 25, 2016.



Newswise – Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ March 23, 2015. 

Why Can’t The World’s Greatest Minds Solve the Mystery of Consciousness? by Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, January 21, 2015; The Guardian Audio  Long Read 30:37

GS Mudur, Deep inside cells, a clue to the mind -Indian physicists have discovered what they say are possiblesignatures of a hidden information processing network in all living cells, predicted by other scientists decades ago as a key to deciphering biological mysteries including consciousness. The Telegraph, March 4, 2015.

Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ as Origins of Consciousness Electron resonance pervades the brain, March 2015 – Newswise.

Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker. “The ‘Quantum Pleasure Principle’ – How Life Evolved to Feel Good.” Toward a Science of Consciousness, Helsinki, June 8-13, 2015.

-Hameroff, Stuart. A Brief History of the Study of Consciousness. Sand Conference 2015.




Death in A Quantum Space,Japan Wired Magazine, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, 2015; Japan Wired Magazine – 2014 Death in A Quantum Space.pdf   

Is your Brain really a Computer or Is It a Quantum Orchestra, D. Chopra, HuffPost, July 9, 2015.

Quantum Criticality in life’s proteins (update) John Hewitt, April 15, 2015, Quantum Criticality at the Origins of Life in John Hewitt’s Quantum Criticality in life’s proteins (update).

Stuart Hameroff Quantum criticality in living systems – Commentary on Stuart Kauffman, Gabor Vattay and colleagues April 15, 2015 by John Hewitt,

New Thinking Allowed, interview with Jeffrey Mishlove and Stuart Hameroff, The Orch OR Theory of Consciousness and its Critics with Stuart Hameroff, 2015.

New Thinking Allowed, interviews with Jeffrey Mishlove and Stuart Hameroff, 2014.
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 1 The Magic of Microtubules
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 2: The Mystery of Anesthesia
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 3: Quantum Consciousness
Consciousness and the Brain, Part 4: The Orchestra of the Brain

Hadington, Simon. Electron Theft, Not Drug Effects, May Be How Anesthesia Knocks People Out, Interview with Stuart Hameroff, Scientific American, Aug 13, 2014.

Palmer, Roxanne. World Science Festival – WSF, Anesthesia’s Electric Effects?  Interview with S. Hameroff, Aug 11, 2014.

Arizona Public Media,  Host, Anna Augustowska, Interview with Stuart Hameroff. April 22, 2014.

Q&A with Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff,  Elsevier Connect, Video  26:00, On How Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Corroborates the Theory of Consciousness. Amsterdam, Feb 20, 2014

Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, February 19, 2014 – Elsevier. Journals, Interview with Nobel prize candidate Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, ElsevierConnect, February 19, 2014, Amsterdam.

Elsevier, Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons Corroborates Controversial 20-Year-Old Theory of Consciousness, Jan 16,  2014, Amsterdam.

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Science Daily, Jan 16, 2014. A review and update of a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness published in Physics of Life Reviews claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons.

Controversial Theory of Consciousness Revisited: Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons, Science World Report, Jan 16, 2014

Elsevier. Stuart Hameroff on Singularity 1 on 1: Consciousness is Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons – Corroborates Controversial 20-Year-Old Theory of Consciousness, Jan 16, 2014, Amsterdam.

Penrose, Bandyopadhyay & Hameroff, Lezing: Microtubuli & het grote debat over het bewustzijn

Science Friday, Roger Penrose: Cosmic Inflation Is ‘Fantasy’,
Apr 4, 2014.  Science Friday airs on nearly 400 public radio stations throughout the United States.

Closer to Truth, PBS, Interview Series with Stuart Hameroff, April 2014, TV Episodes, host Robert Lawrence Kuhn

Newswise. Grand Theories to Clash at Tucson Conference – Collision Course, in the Science of Consciousness. 2014. 

Why Anesthesia Is One of the Greatest Medical Mysteries of Our Time, Daily Explainer/, 6/19/2014.

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness, Sept 23, 2014 – A review and update of the Physics of Life Reviews, Earth Changes Media.  

Consciousness – A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff, In Lectures and Conversations, Sept 3, 2014

Collision Course’ in the Science of Consciousness: Grand Theories to Clash at Tucson Conference, Huffington Post, Mar 18, 2014.

Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in ‘Microtubules’ Inside Brain Neurons Supports Controversial Theory of Consciousness, Science Daily, Jan 16, 2014.  

Hameroff, Stuart, Quantum brain vibrations the intra-neuronal origin of consciousness. November 20, 2014. The Metro-Area Research Group on Awareness & Meditation (MARGAM) at New York University. video
Ultrasound promotes neurite outgrowth-Implications for TBI – U.Raman, S.Parker, C.Duffield, S.Ghosh, *S. R. Hameroff, Nanosymposium-486. Traumatic Brain Injury: Therapeutic Strategies I Nov 18, 2014 – Neuroscience 2014 – SfN Society for Neuroscience, Nov 15-19, 2014, Washington, D.C.
Hameroff Stuart, Presenter, Sages & Scientists Symposium, August 22-24, 2014, Carlsbad, CA–Chopra Center.
Sages & Scientists Symposium, August 22-24, 2014, Carlsbad, CA –Chopra Center.  link
TSC 20th Anniversary Conference, Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, April 21-26, 2014.   itunes
Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona 2014, Quantum Approaches: 20 years on Selected Sessions, iTunes – (Library of CCS-iTunes)
Stuart Hameroff and Max Tegmark, Quantum Consciousness Debate at TSC 2014
Microtubules and Quantum Biology-Pre Conference Workshop, April 21, 2014, Roger Penrose, Jack Tuszynski, Travis Craddock, Anirban Banyopadhyay, Stuart Hameroff ;  Plenary 9,  Quantum Approaches: Twenty Years On with Max Tegmark, Stuart Hameroff, Anirban Bandyopadhyay.
Stuart Hameroff, Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules – Orch OR – 20 Years On.   April 25, 2014.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker ‘Death and Consciousness’ Plenary Speaker with George Mashour, Susan Blackmore, The Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, April 26, 2014.
“Tuning the brain – Treating mental states through microtubule vibrations. ” June 11, 2014, Berkeley, University of California, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience.
Brain Mapping Symposium, S. Hameroff, Chair; Participants: Henry Markram, Christof Koch, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, at University of Arizona, College of Medicine, sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies, a special session of the Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson Conference, April 24, 2014.
TSC 20th Anniversary Conference, Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, April 21-26, 2014; Co-Chair,   Microtubules and Quantum Biology-Pre Conference Workshop, April 21, 2014, Roger Penrose, Jack Tuszynski, Travis Craddock, Anirban Banyopadhyay, Stuart Hameroff ;  Plenary 9, – “Quantum Approaches: Twenty Years On” with (Max Tegmark, Stuart Hameroff, Anirban Bandyopadhyay); Stuart Hameroff, Stuart Hameroff, Quantum Vibrations in Microtubules – Orch OR – 20 Years On. April 25, 2014.
Hameroff, Stuart. Plenary Speaker “Death and Consciousness.” Plenary Speaker with George Mashour, Susan Blackmore, The Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, April 26, 2014.
Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona 2014, “Quantum Approaches: 20 years on.” Selected Sessions, iTunes – (Library of CCS-iTunes)
10th Symposium of the Bial Foundation  26th to 29th March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, Casa do Médico – Porto, Behind and Beyond the Brain; Mind-Matter Interactions, Hameroff, Stuart, Keynote, ‘Consciousness, microtubules and quantum nonlocality – The ‘Orch OR’ theory’ (2014).
The Brainstorm Sessions, Amsterdam, Orch OR theory, Flemish Arts Centre De Brakke Grond and UvA Amsterdam – “Microtubules and the Great Debate about Consciousness.” The Brain & Cognition Center (ABC) “Night of the Brain” Jan 2014       Amsterdam Programme.pdf   
Hameroff, Stuart. Microtubules and quantum consciousness. GF 2045 Initiative. Global Future 2nd International Congress. June, 2013. Alice Tully Hall. Lincoln Center.…
S. Hameroff, D. Chopra – “Consciousness and the ‘Anthropic principle’ – Is consciousness driving the universe?” Sages and Scientists, San Diego, California, (2013)
Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, Presenters, The quantum nature of consciousness/ 2045 initiative, June 15-16, 2013  Lincoln Center, New York. 
Hameroff, S. “Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules.” Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley, 7 Jan (2013).
Hameroff, S and Chopra, D. “Consciousness and the ‘Anthropic principle’ – Is consciousness driving the universe?” 2013, Sages and Scientists, San Diego, California.
 S. Hameroff, D. Chopra – Consciousness and the ‘Anthropic principle’ – Is consciousness driving the universe? Sages and Scientists, San Diego, California, (2013)

Closer to Truth, host Robert Kuhn; Stuart Hameroff on Panpsychism, 2013, NPR.

Probing the Unknowable Mysteries of the Brain, Marcelo Gleiser, NPR, Dec. 4, 2013 reporting from the Agra India TSC Conference.

Huffington Post, Letter to the TED-itors, Apr 18, 2013.

MP3s in your genes? Is Human DNA the same as computer code? Huffington Post Live HPL Feb 6, 2013 Panel hosted by Josh Zepps. Video

Consciousness: A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff, 2013, Is Human DNA the same as computer code? Huffington Post Live, Feb 6, 2013.

Can Images Unlock the Mystery of a Healing Brain?  MedPage Today, Nancy Walsh, Feb 1, 2013.

Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, PL4 – TSC12 Stuart Hameroff, “Fractal Consciousness and Orch Or.” Tucson, (2012).
Bangalore, India National Institute of Advanced Studies – Quantum Mechanics, Jan 5, 2012. 

Global Future 2045, S. Hameroff, Microtubules & Quantum Consciousness, June 15-16, 2012.

Host, Nikola Danaylov, Feature Interview with Stuart Hameroff on Singularity 1 on 1: Consciousness is More Than Computation! 2012.

Stuart Hameroff’s Quantum Theory of Consciousness – Transpersonal Matters, 2012.

Post Anesthesia Dementia, like Alzheimer’s, Looks Micro-‘Tubular’, Science Daily, June 27, 2012.

Scientists claim brain memory code cracked, Science Daily, Mar 9, 2012.

TEDx Tucson, S. Hameroff, The Future of Consciousness, Tucson, 2012.

Doctor Asks: What Is Consciousness? Arizona Public Media/ Arizona Illustrated, PBS, NPR, by Luis Carrion, Apr 10, 2012.

Turning consciousness upside down: Magic mushrooms and the fractal brain hierarchy – Commentary on Carhart-Harris et al (2012) Neural correlates of the psychedelic…

Consciousness After Death Possible?, S. Hameroff, M. Freeman Host, 2012.

Hameroff, Stuart. Presentation. The Future of Consciousness. TEDx Tucson. December 2012.
“A New Marriage of Brain and Computer.” S. Hameroff – Google Talks, Mountain View, CA, 2012

QANSAS 2011, Agra India, Quantum and Nanocomputing Systems, Quantum and Nano Computing Systems Centre (QANCENTRE), Dec 1-4, (2011). 
Penrose R, Hameroff S. Toward a Science of Consciousness, May 2-7, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden – Photos from Stockholm 1 – Photos from Stockholm 2..

Penrose R, Hameroff S., Toward a Science of Consciousness, May 2-7, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden – Photos from Stockholm 1 –Photos from Stockholm 2.

‘Is Life After Death Possible?’  Through the Wormhole, Discovery Science Channel, hosted by Morgan Freeman, interview with Stuart Hameroff -season 2 episode 1, 2011.

Through the Wormhole, Discovery Science Channel, hosted by Morgan Freeman.

Segment on Life After Death 2011, interview with Stuart Hameroff, Season 2, Episode 1, Part 2 first aired: June 8, 2011 – features interviews and scenes filmed at University Medical Center, Tucson – Morgan Freeman, host and narrator highlights views of leading researchers and skeptics into the questions of near-death experiences, consciousness, quantum effects on biological research and the science behind what we know today.  YouTube clip/S. Hameroff

Through the Wormhole, Season 2 Episode 1, TTW, part 2, host Morgan Freeman, Segment: Is there Life after Death? interview with Stuart Hameroff.

Miracle Detectives, OWN, February 2011, The Science of Consciousness.

Consciousness and the Universe; radio host, Eldon Taylor, interview with Stuart Hameroff.

Seminar on Microtubules, Electric Ocillators in Living Cells and other highlights)  University of Arizona November 9, 2010.
TEDxBrussels, Stuart Hameroff – Do we have a quantum Soul? 2010.
Symposium on Microtubules, University of Arizona, Dec. 2010
2010 CCS Special Symposium Microtubules Electric Oscillators in Living Cells-Part 1, Hameroff, Jiri Pokorny, Anirban Bandyopadhyay CCS Special Seminar, University of Arizona, 2010; Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Electronic Transport Properties of a Single Microtubule, Part 2
2010 Baseline Brain Energy; “Brain Dark Matter.” Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Arizona, Stuart Hameroff, Dec. 21, 2010


Hameroff S, V.S. Ramachandran. Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival (TSN) The Science Network) 2006, Session 4. Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA from November 5-7, 2006.

Hameroff, S. Invited Speaker. Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival. The Salk Institute, in association with the Crick-Jacobs Center, La Jolla, CA , Nov 5-7, 2006.
Hameroff S, V.S. Ramachandran. Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival (TSN) The Science Network) 2006, Session 4. Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA from November 5-7, 2006.
Hameroff, S. Invited Speaker. “Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival.” The Salk Institute, in association with the Crick-Jacobs Center, La Jolla, CA Nov 5-7, 2006.

Being the skunk at an atheist convention, S. Hameroff


What the Bleep Do We Know!?   Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality, 20th Century Fox, Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2004  What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Feature Film) 


Closer to Truth: Science Meaning and the Future, Season 1, 2003 12:12  “Is Consciousness Definable, J Bogen, C  Koch, L Brothers, S  Hameroff.

The Science of Consciousness interview with Stuart Hameroff, Quantum Physics and Consciousness, Gregory Alsbury, 2003, Albsbury Films 

Simulation by BBC TV in consultation with Stuart Hameroff for show “ESP” produced by Peter Getzels and Harriet Gordon.  Original artwork by Dave Cantrell.Download the video 

BBC TV Simulation of Orch OR Model of Consciousness 

BBC SIMULATION-  Link to CCS iTunes Page